Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Vote Here, Vote Now!!

The day has finally arrived and Charles and I and all of our family have voted!

The long day of waiting is all that remains!


My son-in-law, Marc, came by as we were about to leave to go vote.

Marc, an independent trucker, got home last night after arranging his scheduled runs to bring him homeward in time for this all important election! He drove a hard 1000 miles to be here today! :)

I was happy that he could get some pics of Charles and me because I like to document all the important moments in our lives!

~~It has been a comfort knowing that all of our family are together in this election!~~

THIS DAY may turn out to be unprecedented in importance in ALL of our lives!

Of course it IS a first on many levels...but I hope and pray it isn't a first step in a disastrous direction for our country.

God Bless America!



  1. Wonderful to have the family in!! Happy TV Watching Miss Junie!!hughugs

  2. :) Hi Donna!

    Yep! Just hanging in- hoping for the best!


  3. All I can do is pray that the right thing is done. After all, not all Americans know what they are doing in this election. Some are voting Democrat just to spite the Republicans and could care less who the Dem candidate is or what he stands for. Actually, I am not Dem or Rep but I do know right from wrong.
    Thanks for visitng my blog. I appreciate it.

  4. Cheyenne,

    I admire your courage for making a stand for what you believe is right!
    That's what I have tried to do too!

    There's much to be afraid of in this election...Too much has been ignored and pushed under the rug!

    There's still hope!!

    Thanks for coming by!


  5. I did the early voting thing on the first day. I had to wait 45-minutes, which wasn't too bad.

    Now, I'm bolted down in my chair and have the TV on. I can hardly wait to see the results.

  6. Hi Fred,

    Where we are we have never had to wait in long lines to vote -and even this time we didn't! We're out in the country north of Ocala.

    Well, I am not looking forward to the outcome of the election...because I am pretty sure who will win and it scares me!


  7. I voted but I am afraid of the outcome. We'll just have to hope and pray for the best for our country. As for what will happen.....time will tell.

    Great picture of you and Charles!

  8. Rachel,

    Yes- looks like the Republicans will lose!

    ...And all we can hope for is that we have been completely wrong in our fears of the other candidate! I would be HAPPY to admit I have been totally wrong...if it could turn out to be a good choice the country has made!!

    Thanks Rachel!



  9. Hello dear Junie:-)

    We Canadians had been watching and waiting for the outcome of this election, as I'm sure the rest of the world was also! It didn't really surprise me when I found out this morning that Obama had won...I know that many Americans are torn by this but all we can do now is hope and pray that he will do good for the country. xoxo
