Wednesday, November 05, 2008




  1. Good video Junie. The people have decided so now we'll see how he does.

    I hope for those of us who were not for him that he surprises us by doing such a good job!! Fingers crossed....toes too!!

  2. Thank you Junie. May God bless America.
    His truth will continue marching on!
    How neat that you were able to attend a Sarah Palin rally. I enjoyed your photos! :)

  3. Thank you,




    I know all we can do is try to have faith that things will work out for America.

    Rachel- I too am hoping that I had it all wrong all along and that Obama will be a good president. (that all my fears are unfounded!)

    Yes, Kerri, it was an honor to get to hear and see Sarah Palin speak! She's such an admirable young woman...the most impressive person we've seen emerge in a long time!

    Thanks ladies, for your comments!


  4. A very powerful and moving video, dear Junie! All I can say is that hopefully the people will give Obama a chance to prove himself and get America back on its feet again. I just don't envy him the mess to clean up that Bush is leaving behind!! xoxo


    Now it's time for all of us to stand together behind our new president. Let's not do to him what the Liberals did to President Bush...we're bigger than that!

    That doesn't mean that we won't be keeping a close eye on him.

  6. Thanks

    Sandy and Pea,

    Oh yes, I agree all Americans need and HAVE to stand behind our president and I'm willing to do that and hope that he's up to the job that's before him!

    Sandy-yes-'Bush bashing' was begun right from the start!

    I think history will see Bush in a better way than he's seen now! For me- in spite of any of his other failings-I was always proud and grateful that Bush stood up and took a stand to fight terrorism after our country was attacked! I have never and will never think Iraq was a mistake and I hope our troops are allowed to finish their job and come home in victory.(as McCain wanted)

    Only time can show us what kind of president Obama can be.


  7. Beautiful video!
