Thursday, November 06, 2008

Night Blooming Cereus

Yes! One more bloom on my Night Blooming Cereus!

I was determined to catch this last bloom of the year.
(probably, the last)

I noticed a few days ago one single bud had formed on the plant that I have, so I have been watching and waiting. It's not always easy to know exactly when the flowers will bloom out...and you only get one shot at each bloom! :) They bloom late at night and are withered by morning! This is the third night in a row that I have gone out, very late, into my backyard in hopes of finding this flower opened up!

I got lucky tonight!.... No, really it was inevitable because I was determined to keep checking and not miss the final bloom! :) On my 3rd. trip out this night-to my greatest delight-I found this exquisite flower bloomed out!

The pictures I made outside were blurred because I couldn't see well enough... but I brought it inside to enjoy and get some pics!

Here it is in all it's glory!



  1. How marvelous!
    I am so glad you got to see this amazing flower in bloom.
    It is beautiful!!!

  2. Anonymous10:52 AM

    How very lovely this flower is. I can understand why you took such care to catch the bloom. It is truly a fascinating thing to study. Thank you for sharing with us.

  3. Thanks for your comments!

    It certainly is an unusual flower and worth waiting up to see!

  4. Hi Junie, Wow It looks like your night trips outside were well worth the effort, the night bloom is beautiful.

  5. Jeanette


    Thanks for looking!

    Yep! It is a pretty cool flower to have around!

