Friday, March 06, 2009

Dan Hill~ 'Sometimes When We Touch'

~Dan Hill ~ 'Sometimes When We Touch' - at the top of my song list~

This is a song I hadn't thought of in a long time. I don't know why - because I really liked it a lot back in the late 70s. I liked a lot of Dan Hill's music and had- and still have- several of his albums.

He had that soft pop/rock sound that I preferred in those days! It was a real treat for me - happening upon this song again!

Here is the cover of one album that I have-but this song is not on this one.

Dan Hill was born in Toronto in 1954 to American Parents who, as an interracial couple, moved to Canada to escape the twin scourges of Racism and McCarthyism. They also believed that Canada provided a better environment to raise their family. Dan grew up listening to Frank Sinatra, Count Basie, Ella Fitzgerald and Sarah Vaughan. He credits Sinatra as a primary influence in terms of delivery and phrasing.***

Go here to read more about this talented singer/songwriter and author.

I have some good personal memories concerning this song.

Well, you all know me well enough by now to know that when I like/love something I'm VERY into it and VERY enthused by it...consumed, even!
(You DO know that about me - right? :) )

OK... my daughter Tam also liked this song a lot - along with Mom.

I remember a trip to Ocala from Miami during this time. We were on our way up for a visit with my mom. My girls were young teenagers at this time. I remember Tam and I were in the WAY BACK of the station wagon we had at that time, while my other daughter, Tina and my son, Chris, were in the middle or front seats.

Tam and I sang that song, over and over...and about drove the others nuts I think! :) Hey- we sang it with the emotion and sensitivity it deserved ; we were dang good at it!

Some folks just can't recognize talent when they hear it, I guess ! :)

Here are me and my teenagers in 1978. (Probably a bit later than the singing trip)

These photos are very poor quality but I sure am happy I have them anyway!




  1. Awwww, Junie, so very sweet.

    Yes, we know you are passionate about the music; I'm more into country, but what can you expect? hahahaha

  2. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Excellent pictures of some very pretty young ladies (all of you). As I listened to the song I thought yes I liked that one but I never knew who did it. Thanks for the heads up.

  3. Hi Momma,

    Thanks! (about the pics) Oh - TIME is a thing, isn't it!! :)

    Dan Hill, I think, didn't have a hugely successful career in the USA but, apparently did in Canada.
    This song- at the time- just got me with the simple beauty of the words and the music.

    BTW-I'm on Facebook now and having a lot of fun! Found a lot of my blog friends are also there. Want to join us? If so- just look for June Kellum and we can be FB buddies as well as Blog buddies! :)


  4. Junie...I just love the pics of you and your kids. It doesn't seem that long ago does it? You don't look much older than your girls. Thanks sweetie... Love, Joy

  5. I can just imagine you singing away with your daughter.
    I'm glad you have those photos too! Those are precious memories of years gone by... you with your wonderful children.
    You look very pretty.

  6. Thanks, all you ladies! Happy you liked my pics and memories.

