Saturday, March 07, 2009

Alli's visit and Lobster Tails ~3~7~'09

Our Alli came to visit us today! What a pleasure it is, having her near us and able to visit every few days!

I'll miss her when she goes away to school in the fall! She will be going to college in Orlando. It's not that far but far enough that her visits will be limited to, perhaps, once every few weeks ...from a few times a week, as it is now!

...But she's ready and eager to start on the road to adulthood-and the rest of her life!
( Too bad, Ginga!
Just suck it up!!
Don't be a sissy!
Kids grow up!
.....But she's the last of my babies...)

How lucky I am...since I was destined to have only one grand daughter...that I got Alli! :)

YAH! I like that girl a lot!! :)

She showed me this ...and said I could have it-after the school project is over! :) I think it's cool!

She wrote this for me to post.

"We had to do a project in my Psychology class where we made a mask that represents what we think people see when they see us. We haven’t actually gotten to the section where we’re using these, but I think the idea is to see how accurate our perception of what we think people see when they see us is. We’re going to present these to our class and explain them. On mine, I made it a little whimsical. I put a music note as a nose, because I love music. The mouth is zippered closed because I’m quiet. I scanned some concert tickets for a hair piece (everyone knows that I go to a ton of concerts). I like the way it turned out, I think it’s cute. :) "

I love it and will hang it near my music stuff since music is a big part of Alli! Dig that little fan hair ornament...It's a 'fan' of concert tickets! :)


My sister called me and suggested we meet for dinner. I invited Alli but she declined , as she was expecting a call from Tina to be picked up from work soon! I wished both Alli and Tina could have gone with us but it wasn't to be this time!

Charles and I met my sis and BIL at 'Outback.' Luckily we didn't have a long wait but this was time well spent in chit-chat and looking over the menu to decide what we wanted.

After having recently had some conversations with a friend about lobsters I decided to order Lobster tails this time! And since C. was choosing NY strip steak and I saw the Lobster Tails were just a couple bucks more I thought," why not! I'm worth it!" Lol- well- have to say they WERE very tasty- but way too small...with about 5 bites in each one! No kidding! And about a 3/4 cup of steamed veggies!

I left that restaurant hungry... I still am hungry! :(
I'm fighting it, tho, as tomorrow is weigh-in day and I don't need to eat anything else tonight!
SEE... the 4 of us have started a wt. loss adventure...C. and me - Tina and Alli...They are winning! :(
...Or maybe I should say,'They are losing!' :) I want to be the LOSER in this adventure - or, rather, the winner! ;)

About the lobster tails... now I guess I can mark that off my list of things I need to do...and just go for the tried and true choice of a seafood combination platter next time-for a lot less $$ and more food. But I DO wish I had got a pic of them and would have, had my camera battery not died on the way over! :( They sure were pretty-Yummy too... just too dang small!

Enough silliness for now!

Junie Rose


  1. I like Alli's mask!
    I hope you get enough to eat the next time you eat out. I would not like to leave hungry (as if I've ever really been hungry in my life!)

  2. I've had lobster once. It was fine, but I'm not sure it's worth the fuss that we make of it.

  3. Junie:

    Alli is something else~so cute, funny, smart, clever. I know you all are so proud of her.


  4. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Alli really hit the project objective with her mask and managed to make it very feminine also. It shows her creativity. It was a shame that your dinner disappointed you but how else do we learn if we don't try things.

  5. Thanks, all of you!

    Yes-our Alli is special and precious!

    LOL- Yes - I think I'll pass up the lobster in the future....NOT that it wasn't good...but it wasn't THAT GOOD!I mean ...$70.oo bucks or more is a little steep for C. and me- for one meal out!

    OK- tonight I fixed a bag od $5.00 shrimp and fresh broccoli from wal-mart - and fresh strawberries! It was delish!!

    I'll visit all of you soon.

