Monday, March 09, 2009

Mellow Yellow Monday ~3~9~'09 (And a Poem)

It's time for Mellow Yellow Monday .
Once again I give you some butterflies!

Go here to find other yellows in our world!

Have a Mellow Yellow Monday!



And a poem...


On my walk today,
I saw a butterfly.
Delicate and free,
I watched it flutter by!
Flitting here and there,
to sample Nature’s best.
Constantly in motion-
determined in it’s quest
to find the sweetest nectar;
though it didn’t linger long.
Elusive, this must be,
for it paused for just a moment,
then was gone.
Like a butterfly,
my thoughts flit here and there.
…Returning, always, to the sweetest nectar-
memories of you .

June Kellum
Feb. 2004



  1. Oh...great captures. I haven't seen a butterfly in ages! I guess we'll start seeing them soon, hopefully. Enjoy the day...

  2. They're ALL wonderful but I Love the third one!! Beautiful!! Happy day sweetie!!hughugs

  3. Okay, now that top one looks like it has skinny legs and wearin' 3" high stiletto heels! :)

    LOVE your poem, Junie Rose! ((HUGS))

  4. Junie, I just don't know how you got those butterflies to stay still for you! Marvelous MYM! Scroll down a bit on mu blog for my post! Dolly sings a lovely, uplifting song! Thank you!

  5. Hi Mary,

    :) I love 'capturing' butterflies this way!

    Yes-I love this song by Dolly- although Country is not usually my favorite music! Dolly has something special!

    I'll check your site later tonight.

    BTW- joined Facebook and so have neglected some of the picture projects. Will try to get back with Ruby Tuesday this time.


  6. You are good with the poems and the pictures too. What a pretty butterfly!

  7. Thanks all for all your comments-Will visit soon.


  8. Lovely photo and love the poem well done

  9. Hi Junie.....thanks for stopping by my blog....You look like a beautiful young southern belle in you photo of 1972.... We have a butterfly house in Whitehouse Ohio, and I love going there. I only went once, but those butterflies are so truly beautiful, and they will land on you...sometimes they would land on my head my arms, bunches of them.. the butterfly poem is also beautiful, and since it say's June Kellem, I was wondering if you wrote it.... Well I'm going to check into Sallys sight....thanks again, your blogging friend, judy

  10. Hi Judy,

    Well thanks! (about the pic on the side bar) I WAS young- 31 years of age!

    Yep-I wrote that poem...I like to write little poems-in fact one of my blogs is just my poems. I also put one about butterflies on Facebook yesterday! Judy, are you on Facebook? It' fun-and I found a lot of my blog buddies there when I signrd up! Come join us there!(I'm there with my real name-June Kellum)

    Have a nice day!


  11. Thanks





    about the poem! It's just a fun thing I like to do!

