Sunday, March 08, 2009

It's a losing game around here! (Family stuff)

The girls came by earlier this morning with their scale to weigh us all in!

Yep-those skimpy lobster tails helped me I guess because my weight was down 2 lbs! :)
Yayyy for Junie Rose!

Actually, it's the cutting back of carbs and sweets that's doing the trick! I haven't had anything chocolate or sweet since Valentine's Day!

( How can one NOT eat a Valentine gift of chocolate truffles? haha...but MOST went in the freezer for when I get back into a size 8 ;) ) Hey- it's good to have dreams-RIGHT?

Anyway, Tina and Alli were on their way to Gainesville to visit with the boys! Dan & Bri were down last weekend and it was wonderful seeing them again! This pic is blurred but it's my 2 oldest boys who I love and miss very much and I want to put it here!

Dan will be having a birthday on the 16th. I hope we can all get together to celebrate near that date.
(but no cake and Ice cream for me)





  1. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Good job Junie--that's two pounds closer to that size eight. Keep it up and we won't even recognize that skinny minny on the screen!

  2. hahaha- It'll be awhile! :)


  3. I love cake and ice cream and chocolate. Guess that is why I won't ever be a size 8 again but I was there once in my life! Great picture of your family and your boys.

  4. Congrats on the weight loss. Good for you.
    Neat family pics. Good looking clan for sure.

  5. I've NEVER been a size 8. hahahaha

    Good job on the weight loss, Junie Rose. Don't forget to treat yourself once in a while!

    Great pictures of your family. I know you love them all so very much. ((HUGS))
