Monday, May 04, 2009

"Believe It Or Not" ~ St. Augustine, Fl.

Believe it!

More on our trip!! :)

This place was a lot of fun so I must include a little of it...

Here we are just about to enter...

Once inside, we saw some really amazing things ~ and met some quite unusual folks!

Here are a few of them!

This was beautiful!

Revisiting this town brought back a lot of good memories for Charles and me.

We were here with the kids ...when my son was about 12 and the girls 3 and 4 years younger! This was a perfect age for kids to enjoy this town...especially the Old Fort and Old Jail - AND this 'Believe It Or Not' museum! These memories added to our pleasure in seeing it all again!


Later we exchanged our gifts at our motel before going out for dinner- and had a toast to each other! I made a toast to another 48 years together! :)

Charles gave me this beautiful gold bracelet ...I gave him some things for his new patio project! :) Hey - he loved those strings of lights I gave him...and also the bird feeder! :)


We got someone to take a picture of the 2 of us together at the restaurant!

Unfortunately we were disappointed in the restaurant we picked! :( The food was not that great! (hard to know in a place you are unfamiliar with)

Well ~ Charles has promised me dinner at my very favorite restaurant tomorrow night for my birthday!


Red Lobster!!




  1. I love eating at Red Lobster too.

    Your post makes me want to visit St. Augustine again. I'm sure that so much has changed since I was there last. My kids were all pretty young then, probably ten and under.

    You look so short standing next to the tallest man, WOW!

  2. Sandy,

    LOL-I'm short standing next to ANYONE!

    I'm just 5 ft....I use to be a little bit taller! :) Oh well-I wouldn't mind so much being short if I could get my wt to match my ht. a little better! :)


  3. Sadly Junie, It is a part of getting older. You seem to sink into the ground as the years race on. But don't feel bad it happens to all of us.

  4. There's a Ripley's Believe It Or Not in Niagara Falls that we've gone to and I so enjoyed it, it's amazing the stuff in there!! We sat in the tallest man's chair and we looked like babies in it! lol

    Loved seeing all the pictures and that's a great shot of the two of you. I'm so glad you had this trip to celebrate your anniversary:-) xoxo

  5. Momma,

    :) Yep- we do shrink! And I wasn't all that tall to begin with! haha

    Thanks for visiting me !


  6. Thanks Pea!

    We both enjoyed the little trip-and I especially liked the 'Believe it or Not.' Lots of strange things in
