Sunday, May 03, 2009

Beautiful Florida Day!

Today was a wonderful day...sunshiny and lovely; just warm - not yet too hot! Oh well- yes- we could use some rain but who could complain with such a perfect day to enjoy!

The wildflowers (Phlox) seem to thrive with the dry weather! They are prettier this time than I ever remember them! (lol- but maybe I say that every year!)

Charles and I went for a little golf cart ride around our place and then some of our neighboring streets! I just can't get enough of the beauty of it all! I told Charles it feels like to me what I have heard a 'high' on drugs is like!
Not that I would ever know how that is!! :)

....But...CAN you get 'high' on the beauty of Gods creation? I think so!

One of my first Magnolia blooms! Way up there- but I zoomed in !

Here are some more pics of a most beautiful day!

The meadow flowers are everywhere! The beauty takes your breath away! The camera can not capture it! (but we keep on trying!)

This is what our neighborhood looks like right and white flowers - everywhere you look!

This striking Yellow flower is a Cactus plant that grows wild along roadways and in pastures! Very pretty- but 'Do not touch!' Those stickers are very hard to get out of fingers!

Charles got a picture of me - sitting among my own meadow flowers! :)

Happy! Happy!

One more little thing to bring a smile...

This is April-our new goat!

We got her a week or so ago and Charles has been working to build her an enclosure and shelter. Meanwhile we have to keep her on the rope! He'll have her place ready to move into soon! April is soon to be a mom! :)


Junie Rose


  1. Dear June ~~ Lovely post and great photos and I am so glad you and Charles had a wonderful day.
    I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday for Tuesday. I hope you have another wonderful day, June.
    Take care, Much Love, Merle.

  2. Aw, Junie Rose, you live in such a beautiful, awesome place! I'm so glad that you share it with us. :)

  3. Hi June, Your flowers are just beautiful and April looks like such a sweet goat. I bet she makes a great mom. Can't wait to see her babies!

  4. Thanks Merle, for the Birthday wishes!
    :) We'll be going out to dinner at my favorite place tomorrow night!

    Judy and Sally-

    Thanks for your visits too!

    Yes- I love our life here-especially this time of year!

    'April' is a pretty little goat and I'm looking forward to the babies!
    (HOPE there will be 2!)

    Big hugs))


  5. I Love Miss April!!!Hahaa...Your flowers are gorgeous sweetie! Happy Day to you!hughugs

  6. Love your wildflowers, Junie... AND your new goat! She's very pretty. :)

  7. Thanks~


  8. It sounds and looks great.

    Happy Birthday too.
