Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Watery Wednesday ~ 4 ~ 22 ~ '09 (Ducks)

Once again it's time for our Water posts!

Go here for other Watery Wednesday posts!


These were taken at a park in our town-early last year.

I enjoy watching the ducks
and miss having little ones to share this simple pleasure with!



  1. Great photos of some very unusual ducks. Do you know what kind they are?? Thanks for sharing your fun day and happy Earth Day!

  2. You have SO Many gorgeous pictures Miz Junie!!!hughugs

  3. Donna,

    Yep! I'm a fanatic in taking LOTS of pictures!! :)

  4. I'm with you JunieRose, I take lots of pictures too. You've got some beauties of these lovely ducks.

  5. Nice shots. I never knew there were so many kinds of ducks until I started taking photos. I saw that black one for the first time a few days ago. Haven't posted that photo yet. And I have lots of shots of ducks with their booties up. LOL! They just move too fast. :-D

  6. I've never seen these types of duck, Junie, how fascinating! I love feeding the ducks and anytime Steve & I are in Niagara Falls, we always make sure to buy a big bag of wild bird seed and go feed them at the little ponds they have there:-) xoxo

  7. We used to love watching the ducks, too. The girls all enjoyed bringing bread to the pond and spending time feeding them. I used to have to teach them not to throw the whole loaf at once.

  8. That first photo os my favorite. Interesting shot and the duck has beautiful feathers.

    Lots of movement in the water, too.

    New Mexico

  9. Beautiful colours with nice action shots

  10. Thanks, all of you for looking at my ducks! :)

    I don't know what kind these are!

    Ps-I will visit all of you later.


  11. Back in June, I stopped of at the local pharmacy to pick up a newspaper, when I saw a few ducks near the entrance. I had a camera with me, so I took some pictures. They didn't even notice I was there. They must be familiar with the location, since they didn't have any fear of me or the other people there.

  12. Is there a way I could add the pictures I took here?

  13. Anonymous5:54 PM

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  14. Hi Bob,

    Very cool 'Duck Encounter!' Bet you got some good photos of them! As for posting them here... it's easy to put them on a blog site...but I don't think you could put them in a comment to someone else. (Lol- not sure if that's what you meant anyway.) Why don't you start a blog? I bet you'd like doing it-I sure do! Or- I could post some of your duck pics on my blog if you'd like. (giving you the credit, of course) You could email me if you're interested...Or you could post them on Facebook!

