Tuesday, April 21, 2009

WHEW!! ( and A poem and random thoughts)


....thank goodness, thank God, what a relief!!

OK - It's over ... this thing I've been dreading and agonizing over and losing sleep over for the past few weeks... this thing most of you would probably take in stride and not give much thought to at all...this thing of renewing my driver's license!

There were reasons I was anxious about this...mainly I was afraid I might not pass the eye test this time because my eyesight has deteriorated since I last renewed my license! Also...the past 2 times I was able to just send in by mail and be renewed! :) I guess I had become spoiled with this easy way-so it was a bit upsetting to learn this time I'd have to go in to do this! (before my B'day-May 5) Apparently, this can be done ( by mail) just a couple of times during your lifetime driving years.

Well...I passed with no problem-and got an updated picture that looks like me NOW-(LOL- NOT when I was a young chick! haha)...Also-the best part is that this license won't have to be renewed for 8 years! Yippee! During these 8 years to come I will be working on my self confidence so as to be able to handle that little thing better! ;) HAHA- OR get to the point where I don't care if I drive or NOT!

These official things have always been a problem for me...as has most all things in life! Really ALL...and there are reasons that I may be able to go into one day-but not today!

...I didn't drive at all until I was 28 years old-and did then out of sheer necessity... with 3 kids in school who needed me to be able to drive them!

Charles has been my biggest blessing in this life, as he's always been the capable-take charge- type. He's taken good care of me and I can't imagine a life without him in it.


Here we are in 1982. We were about to take our daughter to the airport to return to school in NYC- 'Fashion Institute of Technology.'

The 'whole family' picture was in early 60's!
(I still have those dolls my little girls are holding! I'm a keeper of all things that matter to me!)

Charles and I will be celebrating our 48th anniversary next week on the 27th. We will be going to Saint Augustine for the 26th and 27th-and coming home on the 28th. We're both looking forward to it! I'm hoping to get some beautiful sunrise pictures!


Last night I dreamed of my dear mom. I dreamed she came to me and was standing before me...and suddenly as I looked into her face it began to change and she started to look younger and younger as I watched. I can see her sweet smile, still, even as I'm typing this.

I have often wondered about dreams...are there meanings behind them? With Mom becoming younger...does this mean I'm wishing I could turn back time? Well-I guess I DO have those feelings-we all probably DO yearn for things that have passed-as futile as that is...and it comes out in our dreams. (which I think are our thoughts running rampant with no controls...no reigning in, as with our more rational thinking of when we're awake!)

Or-was that dream my dear mom just reassuring me that things would be OK today in this little patch of stress I had to get through!
Yes! That's it I'm sure!

Each Day

Each day we are given
a brand new, clean, slate…
with ways to recover
what we might have squandered.
A new span of time
to recapture lost ground,
and, perhaps, to find answers
to questions we’ve pondered.

We’re given a chance
to reverse bad decisions…
to change our direction
when finding we’re lost.
A chance to take stock
of the things most important,
and to balance our follies
against the high cost.

Take each new day
to find your direction.
Examine the things
that have led you astray.
Resolve to do better,
to do what’s expected…
to know there is always
a price you must pay.

There must be atonement
for each wayward turning.
Sometimes we're astounded
when learning the cost.
Those things we encounter-
so tempting - enticing-
in the end, may not equal
the things we have lost!

June Kellum

Junie Rose


  1. Great pictures Junie!! Good looking family!!
    I agree with you about your dream!!hughugs

  2. Junie Rose~I've had the same picture on my license since 1994, and it doesn't expire until 2012!! What's up with that, I wonder!! My daughter says that I'm vain. hahahahaha Nope, they just keep sending me renewals in the mail. :)

    Love your poem so much!! Great pictures too!! Happy Anniversary week!! ((hugs))

  3. Hi Sally,

    The lady told me today that you are allowed 2 mail renewals and that's all! :) I had 2 in a row-so I went into a tizzy when I found out I'd need to go in this time! haha-I was worried about my eyes but passed that ok...NOW I'm wondering if my eye doctor is not so great- since he's been urging me to do the cataract surgery for 3 years now- and also said they couldn't make my glasses stronger!!! (maybe I should be checked by another doctor!)

    Glad you like the poem!
    LOL-I like to write poems- but haven't come up with anything new in awhile!

    Yep- we're looking forward to our trip to St.Augustine ( just up the road-haha) for our anniversary!

    Hugs to you ))


  4. Thanks Donna!

    Love my little family!! :)

    ...and that dream about Mom was sooo vivid! I usually don't remember my dreams much but I did this one!



  5. Hi Junie!!!! Congrats on passing the eye exam. It's the bunk getting to our age, isn't it?

    Love all the photos you've shared. And a very happy, happy anniversary to you and your soulmate.

    Happy Earth Day too.

  6. Hi Anni,

    lol- yah-not too cool-this getting old deal!

    Well-we just have to go with the flow and we're ALL in the same boat here! (even the ones who are a few years behind us and think of the 60s as ancient!!)

    Most times I don't let it get to me....but when you think of the possibility of having to give up privileges you have taken for granted for so many years ...then you get that panicky feeling!

    :) but all is well for me- for now!

    Thanks for your good wishes for our anniversary! We're looking forward to a couple of relaxing and fun days! Good part about it too is it won't be a long car trip for us.

    Have a great day, Anni. I will visit you soon.



  7. Good for you for getting your driver's license renewed:-) Oh boy, I am SO like you where all these things bother me no end and I get so full of anxiety and stress beforehand...then it's to find out I worried for nothing! lol

    I always enjoy seeing pictures of you and Charles when you were younger...you made a beautiful couple then and still do!! Your kids were such darlings with their blonde hair!! I've no doubt you're both looking forward to getting away for your anniversary celebration...48 years is something to be very proud of!!

    I do believe that dreams have meanings to them. I'm sure your mom appeared in your dream because she knew you needed her:-) Beautiful poem, dear Junie. xoxo

  8. I love the old pictures of your family.

  9. Dear June ~~ Happy Anniversary for the 27th and I do hope you and Charles enjoy the few days celebration. I loved seeing all the family photos of your family and you.
    Thanks for the comments ~ it is hard to keep up, I don't do much on Facebook, as I prefer to blog.
    Take great care, dear friend.
    Love, Merle.

  10. Looks like you have a lot to celebrate Junie. Congrats on passing your eye-exam for your license. I know you were nervous about it, but I just knew you'd be okay sweetie. It's good to have that off of your shoulders isn't it?

    Happy Anniversary to you and Charles...coming up. What a milestone....48 years..WOW. You two are quite a wonderful pair. I love those pictures....and that's a very sweet one of your mom. Love, Joy
