Thursday, December 24, 2009

Flowers for Mom-and a Merry Christmas to all.


Late yesterday Charles and I finally were able to take out some Christmas flowers for my dear Mom.

I usually like to have these for her earlier in the month of December but this time has been an especially hectic and worrisome time for me and I have not been able to do all the things I've wished I could!

My unselfish and sweet mom would say, "Honey, don't worry about it! You try to do too much!" Oh, how I miss my mom - especially at this time of year.


Last night I finally got my 'Magic Cookie Bars' made. These have long been a favorite of my family, along with the Harvest loaf and Banana pudding!

...I usually have my goodies made and stashed in the freezer weeks ahead of time...but - as I said - this time has been different! Oh well, we do what we can...
"It is what it is!"

Later - after my treats were made and cooling- I did a music listen of Dan Fogelberg's " The First Christmas Morning." That is the most beautiful Christmas album!! One good friend and I have made this listening to this album each year a tradition and it's something special I always look forward to!

You may have noticed I have some of the songs from this album on my song list! :) I recommend it to one and all!

Now...I must prepare for our Christmas Eve party tonight!

Celebrating with the family!! :)




  1. Junie, I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!!

  2. You've been busy! I'm sure tomorrow will be a great day in your house.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours, Junie, and have a Happy New Year!

  3. Merry Christmas Junie!

  4. Hope you had a good Eve and Day.

  5. Sarah




    Thanks to you all and I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

