Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Some Christmas stories of my childhood

Childhood memories...

Another Christmas Eve

Another Christmas Eve…
( In Immokalee )

This Christmas Eve, Mama and Daddy both had to work late.
We wait in the car, my sister and I, for their work to end; getting
increasingly more antsy as time drags by!
We want to get home … get to bed - to sleep - so Santa can come!

Their work ends, at last!

As every child on Christmas Eve must eventually do,
we managed to subdue our excitement enough to,
finally, sleep!

We had left a snack of nuts and fruit for Santa,
as was our custom.
In Santa’s haste to get out quickly and quietly,
after dispersing his gifts,
he dropped a small bunch of the grapes on the back stoop!
I know this to be a fact because Daddy said so!
He found the grapes! :)

My Christmas doll of that year not only talked,
but recited the Lord’s Prayer,
word for word!
I was amazed!

Remembering…Nov ‘03

This was my little sis and me at that time~ ages 7 and 10.

...a little further on down the road of our life...


The Christmas I was twelve, my sister got a beautiful walking doll with shiny blond hair!

I got a red silky and ruffled party dress. Mom gave me my gift early. I needed it for a very
special event at school. It was for a school-boy/girl type - social...a Christmas Sock-Hop!
We all danced in our elaborately decorated socks in the school gym!
(something new and exciting, for me!)

So I had one less gift to open on Christmas morning. I did, however, get my first camera that Christmas!

This was my first Christmas of not getting a doll and probably my sister's last Christmas doll!

SO...a page turned...

I felt a sadness in leaving my childhood behind...

( Some might argue that I STILL haven't done that! )


Just remembering...Dec. 2003


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