Thursday, May 27, 2010

On the farm_late May, 2010


These are a few scenes of our farm life this week. As I mentioned before, Charles and Joy (our daughter-in-law) have a great little garden going!

I had not seen, until yesterday, these extraordinary beans she has planted. They are a type of beans grown in her homeland-The Philippines! Charles measured this biggest one and it's 30 inches long! Yikes! One bean to the pot, I guess! :)

Anyway, Joy only has a few of these plants so she plans to save most of the pods for seeds!


Joy's sunflowers are all blooming out now and I had to go down and get a close-up view of them! Nothing says 'country' better than these huge, sunny, cheerful blooms! Looking at one of these flowers is sure to lift one's spirits!

OK-You know me and pictures...I HAD to get a pic posed by these blooms-even tho it wasn't a good time for me...but -who cares...the flower is the star!!

Last night I made this squash casserole again and this time I got a pic before I served it! Although I had used cubed stuffing mix this time -instead of the crumbled type) it still turned out very yummy! At the moment this is my favorite dish! :)

Lol- good thing, too, as we have a LOT of squash in that garden!

( click here for recipe )


After dinner Joy and I went for a golf cart ride around our neighborhood. She's so appreciative and enthusiastic about things -life in general- it's a pleasure to spend time with her!

This is a picture I got of her earlier this week with some Mimosa blooms in my yard! I think, maybe, they remind her of her original home!


This little guy followed us home from a neighbor's place nearby. He was a cutie but shy and wouldn't look at my camera. I was happy when his owner came to get him as I was worried he'd get in the street!

Dachshunds are cool little dogs and if I ever decide to have another dog I think this would be my choice.

We had one when my son was a kid. It was Christopher's dog. His name was Reggie!

Now I've gone and made myself all sad - remembering our Reggie!


Guess I should go look at the sunflowers again! :)

Have a great early spring/summer day!



  1. You look just as bright as the sunflowers.

  2. true! LOL- look at those reflections on my face!!
