Tuesday, January 11, 2011



This new year is not off to a good start- not for  me or my family personally or for the country and world around us!

I'm so saddened about the shootings in AZ...
sad for all concerned...
for the senseless loss of life...
for the vast number of people hurt...
for all the families who lost the people they loved...
for all the  chaos brought to so many lives...

I'm sad, too, for the shooter!

How in God's name does a human being get to this deranged place??
Such a young man...younger than my own 3 grandsons.
I hurt for his parents and others who love him...as I do for the lives he took and the pain he brought to so many people.


I have not felt like blogging much lately. The holiday season has been stressful in so many ways!

I hope to get back in better spirits soon... hope I can!

I'm going to look for something cheery to post!



one of life's greatest pleasures!



  1. I was shocked and saddened to hear the news as well. My heart goes out to all those affected. I really feel like the whole world is going downhill and instead of learning from our mistakes we keep making more. What made that young man act the way he did...politics, media, peer pressure, unacceptance, etc....it's the same old story. Just find it such a shame that they feel they have to take the innocent down with them:-( Sending big hugs xoxo

  2. That's good to think of the guy and his family. I'll bet not too many have thought about it that way.

  3. Thanks, AC.

    I was reluctant to add that...but you know me-I MUST speak my mind and heart!

    I DO feel sorry for that pitiful excuse for a human being...and especially for his parents!
    Imagine having a child who could do such a crime!

    How awful it all is...hurts to think about all the damage done!

