Monday, February 07, 2011

Mellow Yellow Monday~ 2~7~'11~ Pills


As we get older our doctors seem to think we need more and more of these...

These  are a few of mine that help to get me through the days of my life!

A pill for every occasion!

Do you ever wonder what would happen if we just STOP worrying with these pills and stop taking them? Would  our days here on this earth be shortened?  I guess there's no way we can know that...
lol (but our doctors do????) 

I sometimes think all this bother with the pills only adds to the stress in my daily life...and for sure trying to keep up with appointments of what part of this old body is due to be checked by a certain date is worrisome as heck!

Oh well- at least my pills and vitamins are packaged  with colorful labels of Mellow Yellow-and even some pills are yellow- so that cheers me!

Have a Mellow Yellow Monday!



  1. Me too. At least nothing is necessary for sustaining life -- yet!

  2. Thanks, AC!

    Well- overall-I think I'm in pretty good shape...errr-condition, that is! :) And you'll notice most my pills are vitamins...but a few are REAL meds!- Oh well, you just do what you gotta do!


  3. Sometimes, Junie, I wonder about the doctors also. When I was in the rehab for neuropathy, the general doc took me off one of my heart meds saying I shouldn't take it over a year. My cardiologist was TICKED when he heard about it.

    Yep, we do what we have to stay in our "condition". :)

    And, yep, still raining here cats & dogs. But, I guess we can't complain with what's going on with our friends in the snow and ice. Although, earlier there was a tornado watch near Crescent City. It's over now though.

  4. I try not to be a Pill Popper, but sometimes they're necessary.


    A damsel who loved shades of yellow
    One Monday let out a loud bellow:
    “My gold is long gone,
    My amber and fawn—
    Just wait till I find that vile fellow!”

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Splash of Tequila Yellow

  5. My doctors have just added three pills to my already growing collection. They thought one thing was wrong and now they say it is my thyroid. I was thinking myself last week what if I just stopped taking everything and took the stress out of worrying.
    We've been on the same wave length I see. :)
    I'll take them but I won't like it!!! LOL!

  6. I take one pill a day and that's enough for me! lol My mom has to take so many I keep telling her that she'll soon be able to open up her own pharmacy!!! I'm really thinking that a lot of her memory loss and such is due to all those pills. xoxo
