Sunday, February 06, 2011

The Who~ "Tea and Theatre"


I love my 'WHO'...

When we saw The Who in concert on their 'Endless Wire' tour of 2006-2007,
(my one and only time for seeing The Who in concert)
I found this song incredibly sad but beautiful. It sounded like a goodbye ... an ending... I suppose it may be that but am hoping it will not be a quick ending!

You see, I discovered 'The Who' late in my life...have been, frantically, playing catch-up the past few years. I never grow tired of my WHO music-and with each listen it seems fresh and new to me...from the Woodstock this 'Endless Wire' tour and everything in between!
In a way I feel lucky that I have just recently 'found' this music
  (much thanks to my friend)
because I still have lots to explore at a time in my life when I need something...but in another way I feel cheated that I didn't know the music all through the years!  :)

Hope Pete and Roger never quit!!

 ( click on Youtube for better viewing and more info)


Tea and Theatre 
Artist(Band):The Who

Will you have some tea
After theatre with me?

We did it all - didn't we?
Jumped every wall - instinctively
Unravelled codes - ingeniously
Wired all the roads - so seamlessly

We made it work
But one of us failed
That makes it so sad
A great dream derailed

One of us gone
One of us mad
One of us, me
All of us sad

All of us sad - lean on my shoulder now
The story is done - it's getting colder now
A thousand songs - still smoulder now
We played them as one - we're older now

All of us sad
All of us free
Before we walk from the stage
Two of us
Will you have some tea?
Will you have some tea
At the theatre with me?



  1. I love how you love music, Junie, and all kinds. :)

  2. Sally,

    Yes, I DO love a lot of different music now...(in the early 70s I limited myself to only a few favorites)

    The online music forum I was on a few years ago opened up a whole new world for me-in music. The past 8 years have been special for me in exploring all the different music and bands-that before were only names to me- if even that! :)
