Saturday, March 26, 2011

Life is sad....

Life is so sad...and the unexpected sad happenings always manage to take us/me by surprise.
You (or I) go along, lost in our/my day to day trivial pursuits - mostly happy tidbits of life...taking everything for granted...not fully even realizing how important a situation or person or PET is in our/my life!
Then-WHAM! It's over and you are lost once again in your grief! You can't retrieve what's lost-no matter how much you wish you could!
All you can do is endure-get through it, somehow!
We have lost our sweet Tiger ~ World's Sweetest Cat!

 ~Tiger and I were checking out our wildflower meadow last spring~


~Our Tiger~
These are mostly recent pics

He wanted always to be near us, whatever we were doing, and would follow us around the property; even riding the golf cart with us to the pasture to check on the cows! These pics with the Wisteria are recent-and tho, NOT good of Charles or me, I'm so glad I have them.

Few could resist Tiger...even Non-cat people loved the old boy...

These 2 family members ARE cat lovers,for sure. All the others in our family loved him too- but these are the pics I found in my files-so I will post them here.

(Remembrance for our Tiger)

(My son, Chris and granddaughter, Alli)

Tiger was a most loving cat ~ Note how he is stroking Chris' face.  That was one of his most endearing little things he did!
Tiger loved his mates a lot, also!

Goodbye, sweet boy!

~a conversation of my boys, Tiger and General, from an earlier blog~ 

Always with love,




  1. June -- I am so sorry for your loss :( We had twin Tigers, though Waverly's is a girl -- I am so sorry :(

  2. Thanks so much Bonnie> I was remembering that you also have a Tiger!
    Our Tiger was very special...but I'm trying not to be so sad- remembering that he had a wonderful life with the ppl he loved-and his cat buddies too!



  3. Anonymous3:04 PM


    What a sweet tribute to Tiger; it brought tears to my eyes! I totally understand what it's like to lose a loving pet since we had our little Shitzu Barkley for almost 17 years and had to put him down a couple of years ago. We still miss him dearly and will never forget how much happiness and joy he brought to our lives. I'm so sorry for your loss but know that sweet Tiger will always be "with you".


  4. I'm sorry, Junie. :(


  5. Annabelle



    Thank you for caring-it means a lot to me.



  6. :(:( this made me cry a little. Mom told me yesterday that you couldn't find him... He will be missed. <3

  7. Hi Alli- yes- he'll be missed- I've been crying, off and on, for 2 days...

    Not sure just how long we had him- thought you or Zach might remember...

    Love you,

  8. I'm not sure...We got Peaches in '96, and Tiger came after her, right? My guess would be '97 or '98, but he was already a few years old when we got him.

  9. yah-that sounds about right- He DID have a long and HAPPY life with us! I guess that's as much as we can hope for!

    Love you sweetie,


  10. To lose a pet,like losing a member of the family, is hard to accept at first and the only thing that will comfort you is knowing that he is safe now and you have these loving memories of him.

  11. I'm so sorry for the loss of your Tiger. When I was a kid I had a cat named Tiger...looked much like your little guy. What a sweet tribute to him Junie. ~Joy

  12. Oh, I'm so sorry Junie!!! We sure do get attached to our critters! Each cat has their own personality. Tiger looks a lot like my cat Munchie.

    RIP Tiger.

  13. Oh June, I'm so sorry! I know how special kitty cats are. I know you loved your Tiger. I have my Zell and she lets me confide all my secrets, thoughts and fears to her. Im sorry for your loss. His memory will be forever! You do have some great pics:)!
    love yall,

  14. Thanks,




    I appreciate all of your caring thoughts.



  15. Junie I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.
    Non pet people don't always understand our attachments.
    Cats leave paw prints in our hearts. I know Tiger did in yours.

  16. Thank you,

    Rachel and Carletta, for your kind words.


