Sunday, February 11, 2007

~Junie at age 8~

At this age, this little girl was very shy! She was so painfully shy that she would hide her face on top of her desk in school, sometimes pretending to sleep...sometimes even falling asleep!

If a little boy even looked her way it would bring tears to the surface! Once a little boy came up behind her and said, "I love you!" She was mortified!


If there were Valentines during these younger years
I don't remember them. I just remember being so very shy and how hard it was to have friends in school.

Things had changed a little by the time I was in 5th. or 6th. grade. Although I still was shy, I had begun to find it easier to have girl friends! (And my family stayed put in South Florida so I was able to have friendships that carried on from one school year to the next) )

Still-as this
memory of a Valentine's Day shows - I was shy and felt insecure .


I am shy, to this day, in my real life dealings with people...when meeting new people.


Oh my! But what does this have to do with Valentine's Day? Not a lot but it just always brings back memories to me of my shyness and my life-long struggles of being close to people and being able to express openly how I feel.

(because, if your face is hidden on your desk-top it's hard)



  1. Oh Junie, I know exactly what you're talking about! I was so "pathetically" shy, that if my parents had company and I had to walk in the room, I would put my arm over my eyes, thinking that if I couldn't see them, they couldn't see me! lol It's taken me years and years to stop being so shy...I'm much better now but there are still a lot of times where my shyness comes to the forefront. Also, I BLUSH very easily, even to this day! Hugs xox

  2. Pea,

    So- you were a shy little girl too!

    I guess it is not that uncommon...but it took me a long time to get past the worst of that problem!



  3. I was very shy in school, too. I used to recognize people by their shoes because I was always looking down! I'm still shy at times but I've come a long way from those days of keeping my head down.
    Don't hide your's too pretty!

  4. Hi Janet,


    Oh! I still have my moments but not like it was when I was young!

    Blogging and internet IMs- message boards- etc- have been a good for me....I have a lot more self-confidence than I did in the past.
    (in my adult years)


  5. I was also a shy little thing. I used to hide my head when someone talked to me, and I blushed terribly. Still do, even today.
    But, I'm not shy anymore!!

  6. It's funny you should have written about this, Junie, as I had just been thinking about that very topic on the same day you posted this, and was thinking of blogging about it.

    I, too, was a very shy little girl. Not so much (but still some) with other kids, but mostly, horribly painfully, with adults. I remember being left at birthday parties and refusing to participate in any of the games (even though I wanted to) because I didn't want the birthday child's mother to notice me. Unfortunately, this usually backfired, as the mother would get worried that I was not participating, and she'd keep on talking to me to try to get me involved!

    I got better over the years, but I'm still very shy of adults - and adults are now my peers! I hide from my next-door neighbors and try not to go out to my mailbox when they are outside. I CAN talk to people and interact with them, if I have to, and they don't suspect that I am shy, but that's because I'm FAKING IT, and on the inside I'm very nervous!

    Kids are, and always have been, much easier to talk to.

  7. Susie,

    Looks like a lot of us were shy as kids.

    Luckily, some outgrew it.

    I didn't completely do that!


  8. Skye,

    A lot of us seem to suffer from shyness. Life can be hard for kids- and for some of us- all through our lives.

    For me, the internet and especially blogging has been helpful. It gives us a chance to interact with a lot of people.
    Do you find it helpful for you?


  9. Oh, yes! It's MUCH easier and more comfortable to interact with people online (in WRITING!) than to talk with them in real life! Strange how that is... but it's a very good thing for shy people like us!

  10. I have been reading about a disorder known as AvPD...which is extreme shyness (but more) I can see myself fitting into this mold...somewhat!

    It's intersesting reading.

