Monday, February 05, 2007

Memories of Homestead, FL

( Click any pic to enlarge)

( Click on LINKS for a look WAY back)

With seeing my niece from South Florida it has brought back a lot of memories for me of all the years we lived there.

In my very young years my family moved back and forth from Alabama to South Florida. We were in the Homestead area in the earlier years and I remember my sis and I went to the movies sometimes in Homestead, when I was 8-9 and my sister 3 years younger.

We finally settled in Perrine in 1952 when I was 11 years old.
(Perrine is approx. 15 miles north of Homestead.)

I found this old post card of Homestead in Mom's things. There is no date on it but it seems to be in the same approx. time frame of our moving back to south Fl....judging by the cars in the picture!

( I don't know cars but Charles tells me he sees cars up to 1952 in this card)

Homestead didn't change much from our first visits when I was 4 years old- and up to age 9- and our visits several years later.

When we lived in Perrine, as teenagers- my sister and I would sometimes ride the greyhound bus to Homestead...make a day of it-have lunch and go to the Seminole Movie theatre! ;0 and we liked to take pictures in the picture booths! This is from 2 such trips we made to Homestead!

I'm sure Homestead is not at all the way it was all those years ago!

South Florida, in the 40s- 50s was a tropical paradise!



  1. I love it how a postcard or pictures will bring back so many memories...just love those 2 pictures of you and your sister! I remember those photo booths too!! hehe I'll now go check out the links:-) Hugs xox

  2. Hi Pea,

    ;) thanks for keeping up with all my I DO tend to go off in a lot of different directions!


  3. My husband is also very helpful when it comes to dating photos or postcards with cars. Guys have a gift with that don't they?
    Weren't those photo boths 25¢? Such fun!

  4. Hi Susie,

    Yah- guys are like that about cars! :) ...and I have one sister who is very knowledgeable about cars! Not me!
    Lol- I sometimes'lose' my car when I go shopping! (especially when every other older couple in our town seem to drive the same type car we do!!) ;)

    :) yah- those photo booths were fun!!


  5. It looks like some great times with your sister...I love these kind of pictures. I see a very beautiful Junie in these young and vibrant.

  6. Thanks Joy,

    Yes, my sister 'Joy' and I had fun, being close in age. My other 2 sisters are 7 & 9 years older than me-and my brother is 13 years older.

    LOL- but I'm not so sure it's good to dwell so long on these young faces... lots of 'water under the bridge' since those days!


  7. Anonymous6:42 PM

    I remember taking the bus to neighboring towns, too. Can you imagine allowing kids to do that today? Times sure have changed.

    It sounds like you had a wonderful family visit.

  8. Hi Maria,

    Yes, it's a shame how time has changed so many things!

    Yes- a nice visit with some of my family...

    Hope you and Bob had a good time! I'll be around to hear all about everything!


  9. my aunt and uncle have lived in Homestead going on 20 years now...they love it!! I keep meaning to get down for a visit...

  10. Anonymous7:53 PM

    :) well- we were probably leaving just about the time they were moving down there. We moved here, will be. 19 years in July-

    It got too crowded there for us...although I don't think Homestead has changed as much as further up toward Miami... except a lot of the farming land and groves are now landscaping nurseries! That's a very big business down there now!


  11. The price we have paid for "Progress" is very high indeed, life was much more fun "back then".

  12. Anonymous10:43 PM

    I love those pictures of you and Joy! =]

  13. Thanks, sweet Alli!

    Love you,


  14. Hi June ~~ I enjoyed hearing about the early days and love the pics of you and your sister and the others of your family. I am so glad that you are safe from the tragedy in Florida recently.
    Thanks for your comments and glad you liked the sayings of Maya Angelou.
    Take care, my friend, Love, Merle.

  15. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Thanks for visiting, Merle.

    Yes, those tornados were really bad. I feel so thankful that all of my family are safe.

    I'm happy you enjoyed my stories of the past!

    Hope you're having a good day.


