Saturday, March 17, 2007

Our St.Paddy's Day

This girl surprised us with a visit today! Alli walked in and I kept expecting Tina to be right behind her...but ...nooo! It finally dawned on me that Alli had driven up alone! Our baby girl! She turned 16 in Dec. so she's been driving for a while now! I keep forgetting! Here she is with her mom's car!
Tina has to work tonight so she was home, napping.


No one to eat our corned beef and cabbage meal except Charles, Chris and me!
They both said it was the best ever and I have to agree it was mighty fine!
This is the finished product!

NOW - I know those Diet Coke cans take something away from the pictures! I should have made iced GREEN tea!

Oh, well! If we always have everything perfect, what's there to look forward to?
LOL! Besides, we like cokes!


Final shots are of my Guard Cats on the front patio-entrance! Taking care of business!

We had a good day. Hope you did!




  1. Oh Junie...there's that beautiful granddaughter all dressed in thing you know she'll be dressed in white and walking down an aisle...the guys are gonna be after Her!!
    You should send me a recipe for that corned beef...that looks so good!! I ate some at an Amish restaurant this evening but it was thin and dry...yours looks so tender and juicy!!

  2. Hi Tammy,

    Well- I sure hope Alli doesn't marry real young! lol- I'm not ready to be a great-granny yet!

    Tammy, our corned beef was really good-and all I do is follow the instructions on the package it comes in...I boil it in water for 2-1/2 half hours(with the spice pk. that's included) It's very easy and they always turn out good!

    But-OH-what a mess I have in my kitchen!! :(


  3. Hi June ~~ What a lovely surprise to
    have a visit from the beautiful Ali.
    Thanks for your comments, glad you liked the jokes. The cruise ship is good, but I would probably get sea sick and ruin the plan!! I like Rod Stewart too and most of the ones you like. How terribel to finally get to a Who concert and then to have it cancelled. I hope you get another chance. Take care, Love, Merle.

  4. Hi Merle,

    Thanks for coming by!

    Yes- always enjoy Alli visiting! Just can't get used to her being all grown up....well-almost!

    Yes- still hoping to get to see the Who next week!


  5. Junie, I always thought corned beef was something that comes in a can! Apparently, I was wrong, as yours looks like real meat, sliced up. Where do you find such a thing in the grocery store? I'd really like to try it. Is it in the fresh meat section, or the frozen section, or somewhere else? Is it labeled "corned beef" or by some other name. Sorry for all the questions, but I always thought corned beef and cabbage sounded like something awful, but it looks really yummy in your pictures! I always thought the corned beef and cabbage were mixed up together in a pan and fried, too! Silly me...

    I'm glad you had a nice day today, and Alli seems so grown up, driving herself to your house!! I bet you were thrilled with that surprise! :)

  6. P.S. I see that Red Hat Grammie was up for some corned beef today, too! I hope she's not insulted that you forgot to include her in the list of people who ate your St. Patrick's Day dinner! ;)

  7. Yes I love corned beef. I love St Patrick's Day. Did not do much at all though yesterday, I was supposed to have gone back to Gmpie for a celbration with the Irish club there, however had to cancel at the last moment.
    Lovely that you had a surprise visit from your daughter. She is very beautiful ( like her Mum I think)
    Cheers Margaret

  8. Hi Junie. I just love corned beef and cabbage cooked in the slow cooker.Yummy.How lovely to get a surprise visit from beautifull Alli.Over here in Oz. you have to be 18 to get a driving licence.
    I also like Rod Stewart I have quite a few of his cd's.

  9. Hi Skye,

    Yep, I forgot to mention the Red Hat Grammie, but she was there! ;)

    Yes, you can buy canned corned beef but it's very different from the kind cooked, fresh.

    You find it in the meat cooler section in the grocery store, and it's labeled corned beef.

    It comes with a spice pk. and with instructions on how to cook it. There are other ways to cook it but I do it just as the package says...boil it in water and with the spices included.

    I cook my cabbage separate - boiled with water, salt, coarse ground black pepper and a little bit of hot pepper flakes (the kind you sprinkle on pizza) and a little bit of olive oil. If I cook a whole cabbage -cut it in quarters (or smaller if you like) leaving the core attached so that the cabbage section holds together for serving!

    LOL- That's it!!
    Always good!


  10. Hi Margaret,

    Sorry your plans didn't work out to celebrate inGmpie with the Irish Club.

    It was very small and quiet here but the corned beef dinner was very good!

    Alli is my granddaughter. (but thanks! :)) She is a pretty and sweet young lady!


  11. Hi Jan,

    Thanks for visiting!

    I usually just cook corned beef as the package instructs-but I bet a slow cooker would do it up fine!

    Here, kids can drive at 16- if they take Driver's Ed in school- but no night driving.

    ...Rod Stewart is a singer I have liked all through the years.


  12. Junie...what a wonderful surprise when Alli showed up....cute as a button in her green shirt. That pretty much made your St. Paddy's Day wonderful, didn't it?

    And your corned beef and cabbage....YUMMY!

  13. We're doing the meal today. I did the corned beef in the crockpot overnight and now I'm doing the veggies. Cabbage comes last in the broth from the corned beef.

    We all have our ways of doing it, don't we.

  14. Hi Ann,

    I have never used a crocpot. I just do the way it says on the package...except I like the cabbage cooked separate!

    I bet it turns out very good in a crocpot!


  15. Hi Joy,


    And we had more family times today- so I'm pretty happy!

    I know you're enjoying your family times, also!

