Monday, April 23, 2007

Another of those days...those crazy ones!

This has been one of those tiresome, silly, unproductive, crazy days! (which are becoming my normal days - or so it seems!)


I wanted to go shop for a few things for our upcoming anniversary trip!

~~~Did I mention we are going to Savannah? We will be gone from early Friday thru ...perhaps, late Sunday. Savannah is only a few hours drive from where we live.~~~

Anyway-some new duds needed for this trip! I went to Beall's-and this is a few things I bought! (Just casual and cool summer things!)

Next on my list of things to do...
as you all know I am needing a hair cut! Right-I'm sure you all agree! OK-I just wanted a trim to shoulder length- just my usual Junie haircut that I have had forever! Nothing fancy-just ME!

I thought since I had to do a bit of shopping at Wal-Mart I would give that shop a try again! Bad mistake!!

I waited for over an hour...and still the silly little women in there ( 3 of them) couldn't find time to shampoo and cut my hair! WOW!! And you'd think they were having an overflow of customers...In truth they had two that I saw...during the time I was lurking around-coming and going back and forth...waiting for my chance to have my glorious shampoo and haircut!!

Stupid me-I came back a third time...still expecting to get my turn! :) ...Was told for the third time it would
still be awhile! I said, "Well, can I make an appointment for tomorrow?" The inept little hairdressers said,"We don't make appointments!" lol! I said ,"I can't wait any longer!"

SO- my hair is still LOOONG-and it may just stay that way! Or I may venture out again tomorrow to another place! We'll see!

Lol- It was just about a year ago that I got THIS hair cut! Weird style-not at all like me! Check it out!


Ok ... The day did have some good moments-despite the hair ordeal! On the way over and back I played this CD!
This is such relaxing and fine guitar music! I just Love it!

Here is a Video of LJ doing 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps.'

~Laurence Juber Plays The Beatles~

....SOOO- by the time I got home the music had soothed me into feeling better...even with my hair still flowing down my back! And these flowers added their special magic too!


Junie Rose


  1. Anonymous7:26 PM

    nothing like long hair, junebug! i got a "wild hair" about two years ago to go short, red and spikey. i'm still sort of paying for it. waiting for it to grow back to a decent length so i can get a perm and not look like a brillo pad. have a great trip!!!!

  2. :)

    Well, the truth is...I DO like my hair longer...but just need a trim-

    It's such a hassle- going to a beauty shop- especially if yer like me and just go once or twice a year! haha-

    Thanks!- We'll enjoy the trip to Savannah, I'm sure! Can you believe 46 years?? I think it's working out! :)

    BTW- you should check out Laurence Juber- He's really good! My Beatles-Music pals told me about him!

    Junie Bug

  3. At least you had a good day of clothes shopping. The photo of the flowers is great, especially with the backgound of wildflowers. ec

  4. Apparently that hair salon doesn't care about making money....or their customers. That's a pretty bad way to treat their patrons.

    Loved all your new clothes Junie...they look very soft and spring-like....very much like you.

    I hope you have a great trip.

  5. Hi ec,

    Thanks for your comments.

    Yes, my clothes shopping was successful anyway! A big SALE was going on! :)

    I like that flower photo too! Only have a few of those yellow wildflowers come up among the pink ones!


  6. Hi Joy,

    Thanks for your nice comments about the clothes.

    It was just a bad experience with the hair salon... so I guess I will just forget about a hair cut for now!


  7. Hi Junie,
    Sorry can't see your photos this time :(
    Sounds like you had some fun shopping though!
    An anniversary trip sounds like fun!
    We've yet to finish making arrangements for ours. Better get busy!!

  8. Hi Susie,

    Wonder why the pics aren't showing for you?

    I have found that Firefox browser works better for me than Safari...sometimes I can't post on Safari but switch over and things work fine!

    lol- for 2 nights we didn't have to make many plans- We usually just go and see what developes for us! :) But at least we have motel reservations made!

