Junie's Place: Old Friends

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Old Friends

Last night I had an online chat with an old friend. ( actually-3 old friends! )
My friend K. recently lost her mom (just weeks ago) and it's been hard for her- especially this Mother's Day, just past.

We hadn't talked in awhile so it was good talking with her-even under these sad conditions. We have been online friends for over 4 years and I feel we know each other and care about each other as much as Real Life friends would- or could!

K. is one of my first friends from the old music/Beatles forum, that I was a part of and still am in a small way. :) We had a lot of fun there in the past...and I must say I learned a lot about the Beatles, thanks to K. and a few other friends from those days!

In the early days she sent me this and another Beatles puzzle she had put together! I matted and framed this one. It's in my craft room! WISH I had a music room to hang it in!

I think this is a cool pic of the Fabs! ;)

Thanks, K.



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At 2:59 PM , Blogger Tammy said...

"I feel we know each other and care about each other as much as Real Life friends would- or could!"

That line is so true Junie...I feel that way about all my blog pals and you are one of them...you are such a sweetie to one and all!!

At 3:36 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Thanks, Eb.

And you are one of my friends too!

It just kind of amazes me tho, about online friends...because , before I got a computer, I never would have thought I could find such good friends among strangers.

...But -if you stop and think about it-we are just naturally drawn to the people we have more in common with-and being online, whether it's a message forum-or in blogging- we end up with people that we have common interests with!

So we sometimes become closer friends with these contacts than in our RL , in many cases.

That's my opinion-and I'm sticking to it! :)


At 5:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

June -- you and I are another good example of online friendships. I have made a couple of really good friends my whole life -- someone told me you could probably count on one hand the true friends you would ever have in your lifetime. and i think that is partly true -- i have a friend i've known for 40 years. we don't talk often or email often but we're still good friends. and even though you and i have never met, you're still right up there in my top five!!! i think there are things that draw people together -- we met on the Koontzmania board -- but liking the same things bridges a lot of gaps -- music, books and in my case, animals -- have found lately that i am definitely drawn to people that have the same feelings there also. your friend, K, is very lucky -- but i bet she knows that!!!!

love ya!


At 6:10 PM , Blogger Carole Burant said...

For years before I even got a computer I had lots of penpals from all over the world...then I got my computer and made online friends all over the world...either way, it's wonderful to know that true friendships can happen that way! The miles between us seem to just disappear:-) I'm so glad I met you through the blogging world, dear Junie...you have indeed become a friend in my heart! xox

At 6:25 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Hi Bonnie,

You are my first online friend - from way back- even before my music forum days! :) Right from the start something just clicked with us...the love of reading played a big part of it,of course, but not all. I saw in you a very open and honest person- very caring and considerate of others.
(There was losing our friend David,too1)

I tend to think that online friendships are easier. I think people are more open and honest with their true feelings here, than they are in Real Life relationships!
( Of course, we need to be careful of who we get close to)

~~~OK- Let me explain further...In real life we HAVE to be friendly sometimes, from the sake of necessity, with ppl that we have nothing in common with. (Neighbors, co-workers etc.) While online friendships are formed completely by the interests which has brought the 2 ppl together!

LOL- Am I making any sense to anyone!!


At 6:32 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Hi Pea,

I have always been a shy person- I mean - VERY SHY! And have not had a lot of true friends throughout my life.

So maybe that's why I enjoy my online friends so much!

Many, including you, Dear Pea, I do feel are true and good friends! And I know if we ever met in RL we would be friends, too!

:) But in the meantime, we can just be good,online pals! I enjoy this more than I ever thought I could!




At 7:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

June, you are absolutely right in a lot of things you said -- but by the same token, more likely in the dating and gaming sites, i have found that people can also have the tendency to be whatever they want to be and not totally honest. At least that was my experience when i was playing yahoo gin and ultimately when i joined yahoo personals. but the friends that i have made for the sake of friendship, have been honest, real people -- i don't know when i found the koontzmania board what drew me to you or even to the others that we were friends with, but i just wanted you for my friend! maybe because you came across as being such a nice person. i think about david a lot and i so miss his emails -- he was such an incredible young man and i miss him. i just heard from kelli briefly last week -- she doesn't get on line much now as her vision is apparently going and she doesn't see well. that was the first email i had gotten from her in months. its a pretty amazing time we are in, isn't it, to have the capability of meeting people everywhere, opportunities we would never have otherwise. its pretty hard to imagine with all your sharing here on this blog and your delightful openness about everything in your world that you were so painfully shy. so this has given you the media to show off your talents and make friends too!!!

At 8:36 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Hi Bonnie,

What you describe is probably more likely to happen on the personal/dating sites! lol- I have never been to any of those.

The forums I have been involved with are the book forums and the music forum and the political forum. And I figured every person involved there was reading the same info about each other-so I thought it(the info) was probably true. And I never got any surprises if I ever got into a private chat with anyone!

Maybe I am just naive but I expect people to be as honest and open with me as I am with them! So far I have had few disappoints!

Too bad about Kelli. I remember her well. She sent me pictures of her life in England!

OOPS! I DO remember one guy from the Koontz board who was a big disappointment to me! ....and I wanted to believe he was a good guy, so bad!! You DO remember 'Lost Boy,'-Yes?

It's very true I was/am very shy in my relationships with people . You're right-blogging is a good outlet for me!-The forums were too.


At 8:50 PM , Blogger Lori said...

I love the pictures! I am sorry to hear about your friends mom.


At 9:03 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Hi Lori,

Thanks for coming by and for your nice comments.


At 10:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, Bob -- i remember him -- i was slightly more than terrified and stupid -- he was supposed to make a tape for me of one of the Koontz movies -- and mail it to me -- so he had my address -- and then when he started posting all that awful stuff about david.......i got pretty worried....but the good on that board definitely outweighed the bad!!! i used to visit the new one but haven't for a long time since i don't know anyone there any more. and haven't read much for a long time.

At 10:50 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Yes- he also sent me a book- 'Santa's Evil Twin' and after all that stuff I was a little worried too!...but - he was never anything but nice and respectful toward me...
(...I found it hard to believe all that mean stuff, in the beginning...)

You're right tho, the good outweighed the bad there!

I haven't been to that new board in a long time either- and like you, I don't read nearly as much as I use to!

At 1:23 AM , Blogger Susie said...

Hi Junie,
I was sorry to hear of the death of your friend's Mom. You and I know just how tough that can be, don't we!
I'm sure talking to you helped her greatly.
You're a great comforter and I'm so glad we're blogging friends.

At 9:36 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Hi Susie,

Thanks for coming by.

Yes, we both know how it is to lose our mom- and the feeling that it will not get better. It does get a little easier , with passing time.

I'm glad we're blogging friends, too, Susie!




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