Junie's Place: Saturday in Savannah

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Saturday in Savannah

After visiting Bonaventure for awhile, we drove again to Old Savannah. We drove through and did a quick look at all the little parks that are unique to this city! It was so beautiful -the well kept, beautifully landscaped mini parks, with the old restored houses on all sides!

~~Here is an excellent link to Savannah's Squares!~~

We didn't stop but went on in search of the trolley tour stations! This is the tour company we chose! The big windows were open to the perfect weather conditions we were blessed with the two days we were there!

:) Because I don't want to leave anything out I will include this picture...lol- although I have misgivings about it! But it's us- (the old Kellum farm folks) doing the Savannah thing!

We were among the first to get on this trolley so seating seemed not a problem. They were tiny seats so Charles suggested I sit in the seat right in front of him! (to give us both more room!) :) That's when I got that silly picture of us!

utt ohh! The bus started filling up and I thought I'd better get back there with my husband but he kept saying ," No!" He wanted that seat all to himself! :) But the driver kept letting people on...until finally...the last couple on was a couple of folks our age, maybe! The old man sat down by me- the lady squeezed in beside Charles! :)
For some reason the lady soon whispered something in the husband's ear and they disembarked at the first available stop! :)

Do you think Charles was hoping for a cute, thin, young lady to take that seat? :) Crossed my mind, too!

After that couple got off I
DID get back there with my husband-and dashed all his hopes for a close encounter with a young girl, perhaps! :)

The tour was very enjoyable, although I wasn't able to get good photos - and I can't begin to identify these places from the little bits I got! Still, I will post a few shots!

The billboard is of 'Lady Chablis', the cross dresser who is a character from the book,'Midnight in the Garden.....' She/He still performs in Savannah!

The rustic house is Pirate House, a restaurant.
We would have our dinner there that night!

We got off the trolley on River Street, knowing we had only 'til 4:30 to catch the last trolley back to where we had left our truck parked!

We had about 3 hours to explore the River Street shops again and to watch the activity on the Savannah River!

in my
next post!



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At 7:35 PM , Blogger Carole Burant said...

Oh what fun you both had and I'm still giggling at Charles' antics on the trolley! hehe I so loved all the pictures, I always enlarge them to take in every detail:-) Pirate House...just the names of that restaurant sounds interesting...I love anything to do with pirates!!! Looking forward to the rest of your trip! xox

At 7:47 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Oh,my, Pea! I was hoping some of these wouldn't be enlarged! Had my camera set wrong (or something) and they turn out HUGE! LOL-and C. and I are big enough under any circumstances! ;)

lol- it was rather funny on that trolley ride- That poor lady didn't know what to do-as she really did NOT have enough room on that seat with my Charles! ;)

I think one more post will do it for this trip! :) (I hear a huge sigh of relief out there in blogland!)



At 10:47 PM , Blogger mreddie said...

Enjoying your photos - Savannah is such an historic place. ec

At 10:53 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Thanks for looking , ec.

;) I finally finished up tonight-with my last Savannah post!

We had a great time- lots of silly fun-as well as just enjoying the city for it's historic beauty.

At 9:49 AM , Blogger Merle said...

Hi June ~~ Your story and photos show
us what a fine time you had. You have
fitted a lot into those few days.
hanks for taking all of us along.
Glad you enjoyed "True Love."
Take care, June, Love, Merle.

At 9:54 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Hi Merle,

Thanks for coming by .

Actually we had just 2 days-so it does look like we got a lot of stuff in! :)

We had a lot of fun.

Will visit you later today.


At 10:47 AM , Blogger someone else said...

Wow, you have had such a fabulous anniversary trip. I've really enjoyed all your stories and photos. And the bird girl figurine is really cute!

At 10:58 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Hi Morning Glory,

Thanks for coming by to read about our trip and see the photos.

Yes, we had a great time and seem to have packed a lot into such a short time!

I love that Bird Girl figurine-and wished I could have got the bigger size to use in the garden...The original was a full size girl-and it was a bird feeder!
But I'm happy with the little one,too! I can set her among my house plants and get the same effect- just on a smaller scale! :)



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