Monday, August 06, 2007

Another Monday morning

Another week starting and I wonder what it will bring. I hope it will be a good one for us here at the little Kellum place, and for all of you too!

This past weekend was a slow one for me. The hot weather makes it very undesirable to be outside so I don't do much except hang out in the house. Of course I have the bedroom project underway~ of rearranging stuff and throwing some things out!

Oh, how I wish I could de-clutter my life a little!
(But that is a tall order being the pack rats both Charles and I are)

Yesterday Charles helped grandson Dan move into a new place in Gainesville. Actually what he did was take a bedding set up for him that we had here! I could have gone but didn't feel like making the effort with the weather so hot!

Have started my new meds so, hopefully, will start to feel better- have a little more energy!

Have 3 rose bushes to get planted this week. We got these on the trip to Alabama and they are still not planted! Oh well, we'll get to them! Two of them are called 'Almost Wild', and of course are similar to a wild, single petaled blooms! The other is called 'Red Cascade' and is a climber with dark red miniature blooms that grow in clusters!

These photos are not good but these are the roses!

Have a good day!

Junie Rose


  1. Hope you get some relief soon from that heat!!
    It's not much fun trying to get heavy work done when it's that hot..

  2. Miz Junie, you love roses sooooo much...I would dearly love to volunteer my services for a blog background that will really make your blog pop...I have something in mind...just contact me by email if you are interested!

  3. Hi Susie,

    Just went out to do a little shopping- It is sooo hot it is miserable out there!

    Hope you're having nice weather.


  4. Hi Tammy,

    That's very nice of you to want to help with a new background.

    I'm thinking about it- have been for sometime but just not sure of what I would want.

    Sent you an email.


  5. Anonymous7:36 PM

    That pink rose looks a lot like my red one. A single, and old fashioned rose from history, almost. It is being eaten by Japanese Beetles and after crushing them with my fingers for weeks, I read about Pam. So I tried it and sprayed some Pam on the leaves and the buggers stayed off the leaves and starting eating the new buds. So I have squeezed some more of them.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo

  6. Hi Abraham,

    Thanks for stopping by.
    Roses are a favorite thing in my life and I have many pictures scattered through out my blog. If you click labels it will take you to some of them. Oh! I have had problems with those Beetles too, in past years. Haven't seen any so far this year. Had never heard of using PAM... but still I guess the best way is hand picking them off!

    I briefly checked out your site...Will be back!

    Hope you'll visit often.


  7. Hi Junie, hope you have a good start to the week too.
    Btw, I really like the equipment that your hubby bought (last post) :)

  8. Hi TRMH,(Real Mother Hen)

    Thanks lots for coming.

    Yes, today was ok- still very hot but I didn't do much of anything.

    Just discovered my profile picture has disappeared and I don't know how to fix it! :( Have to get my granddaughter up here to help me figure it out.

    Glad you like the old horse harness thing! I like old things like that too-and my husband buys anything like that he comes across.

    Have a good night.


  9. The way to tell those aren't my roses is that the one's in the pictures are alive.

  10. Hi, Junie!

    Nice to meet you! Joy sent me over to see you! What nice pictures of your roses. I love them, too.

  11. Hi Kay,

    Thanks for coming and nice to meet you too.

    If you like looking at roses there's lots through out my blog. Clike on the label on this post to see more.

    I'll visit your blog.


  12. Hi Cliff,

    :) Mine are not looking too hot these days either!

  13. Hi Junie, Love your Roses, cant wait for mine to start shooting after there winter prune.

  14. Good morning dear Junie:-) It's much cooler here today and it feels so good...I do hope you soon start to get cooler days also! Nothing worse than heat and humidity to make you feel rundown!! I so love all your roses...I never knew there were so many different types until I started reading your blog:-) xox
