Saturday, August 04, 2007

Our Saturday-8-4-07

Oh My! What a hot and muggy day we've had! And it's still hot, even at the end of the day!

Charles and I went out this morning to shop for the bed set I want to get. And also I wanted some kind of cabinet with either shelves or drawers for my overflow of 'stuff!' (Too much of everything, have I !)

On the way out to the mall we saw some yard sale signs in a nice neighborhood!
:) Charles found a lot of things he could use...mostly tools! (like he really needed more!) And he found for sale something he considered a real treasure...a double tree and 2 single trees! This is part of the equipment used in harnessing horses to pull buggies or wagons in the OLD DAYS! Charles says this has to be around 100 years old! Got it for $5.00! Lol- Here he is telling me all about it!! ( And I still can't explain it so you'll need to look it up!) Charles was thrilled with it! He loves old things of the past! So do I.

We also found these movies for a buck each! Several I have never seen!

I found these little things for almost nothing! The little bunny will go in with my Easter things-and the Disney bear and little dog will go with the small collections of these animals that I have ! Told ya I'm still a kid, didn't I?

Oh! I couldn't pass up that Christmas CD of Bing Crosby, although I have it already . I bought it with the little crochet box...Lol - the girl said....25 cents for both!! Bing's music goes cheap these days!! ( Hey, I'll send this CD to anyone who wants it if you'll (anyone??) just let me know)

Last but not least -of our yard sale this Yamaha keyboard! It has a great sound! Probably one of the 'grands' will get this!


I found a bed set that feels right but it can't be delivered for 3 weeks! And I also got a very nice-big- chest of drawers! Spent the afternoon re-arranging my shoes and tops! (all the tops went in the drawers giving me room in the closet for my shoes!
Much better!

:) OK -That was my exciting day!! How about yours?




  1. Wow - lots of cool stuff, Junie! I'm glad you and Charles both found something you liked! I'm also really glad you will be getting a bed that will be more comfortable for you. I hope some very good nights of sleep will be ahead for you!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. I was gone looking for yard sales today and couldn't find any! HUH! Wow, it's no wonder Charles was so happy to find these trees for $5.00...they must indeed be over 100 years old! Has he decided yet where he will display them? You also found quite a few treasures...I love Bing Crosby and have most of his Christmas cds...they are fabulous:-) xox

  3. Hi Junie,
    You sure found some great things in your yard sales. Good thing you're buying a bit more storage space! :)

  4. I know about those single trees!! I grew up on the farm! Sure don't see them much anymore! I guess I'm a little like Charles. I saw a saddle yesterday at a yard sale and was sooo tempted!! Just for the memories alone.....

    I stopped at a yard sale yesterday on my return trip from meeting dear Jamie Dawn!! and I found a box of old pillowcases, embroidered scarfs, etc. She said she wanted $3 for the whole box, so I took it. I also got another big box of nice material for $4. It also had a vintage handstitched quilt top in there in wonderful condition (what a find!!). Then in the scarf box I found an arrowhead, and a Sucret box. In the Sucret box was almost $2 in change and 2 rings that are both 10 K GF. I wonder if the rings might be sentimental to anyone? I could take them back and see, but I don't know if I can even find the place now. I stopped at several! That was the best finds though. I doubt the rings are sentimental since they were stuck in that old box and not cared for. I also found a piece of a snake skin in there. Needless to say, I went through it in the garage and not in the house after I got home!! I just bought these and didn't go through them until I did get home. I also got 4 nice tablecloths out of the 2 boxes and I love tablecloths!!

  5. Hi Rachel,
    What great Yard sale treasures ! You sound like you look for the same kind of things I do! I like nothing better than vintage hand stitched pieces! Love those little doilies and pillow cases etc.. that I remember my mom and aunts making...and little aprons-and hankies! So much of those kind of things are gone anytime I find these things I grab them up! And the rings!! WOW! You lucky girl! Obviously , no one wanted them or they wouldn't have been in that box - so don't worry about it!

    I LOVE getting boxes of goodies like you found-and not even knowing what all is in there! It really is like a treasure hunt and sometimes you are very thrilled when you go through it! OH! And I also love old table cloths! :) I'm happy you got all those good things!

    I also look for vintage Christmas items...Once I bought a box of misc. items for just a dollar or 2 and found some real treasures!

    Yes- Charles likes old farm things, having grown up on a farm in Alabama.-I knew what that thing was for but just not what it was called. I am a country girl, too.

    Was so cool you and JD got to meet! :) I know you both enjoyed it!


  6. Hi ,


    Thanks to you all for visiting me here and for yer comments.

  7. Charles needs to learn to avoid streets where garage sales are going on. :}
    Lot's of treasures. The eveners are a good converstation starter. My older brothers helped Dad farm with horses but by the time I came along he had retired them and went to tractors. They picked corn by hand but I never did.

  8. Loved your yard sale finds, especially "Last Action Hero" video, a very much underrated Arnie film.

    This is the second blog I've visited this morning that's talked about these kinds of sales (called garage sales in Australia). I must go to one or two, they look like fun.

  9. Great finds! I have a Christmas CD with Bing Crosby and David Bowie doing a duet of Little Drummer Boy. Classic :) Go check out the pic from today... some ducks were playing a game.

  10. I haven't seen you around for a long time and had to come double check to see if you're doing well!!

    Wow!!! The harness hardware your hubby found is a true treasure. Those are amazing and they look to be in good shape too!!

  11. Hi Anni,

    Thanks for coming by.

    Oh-some days I don't get to make all my rounds to the blogs! :( sorry if I've missed you lately.

    Hope you've been doing well- I'll be by to catch up with you soon.

    :0 YES! C. was so pleased with that antique harnss thing he found! We both like old things like that.


  12. Hi Cliff,

    You're right in saying that we need to avoid Yard Sale streets! LOL
    We're both addicted to junk collecting! (but you never know what you might find- so it's hard to pass on by!)

    Guess you were lucky in being one of the younger kids in your family... and never had to pick corn by hand!

    Charles grew up on a cotton farm in Alabama so he knows about hard farm work! He never went back after his time in the Air Force, (right out of high school) nevertheless, he has some fond memories and some funny stories, of his growing up years! I have posted some stories of his on the blog under'Farm Life of the Past.'

    And- he can't resist buying old reminders of the old days!


  13. Hi Val,

    These sales here can be Yard Sales or Garage Sales...sometimes even called Carport, or Back Porch sales!
    Mostly, tho, these days they are Yard Sales.

    I like checking them out because there is always a chance of finding something really good! I was pleased this time with the things I found- especially the movies!

    Take care,


  14. b13,

    WOW- Never knew of that Christmas CD you mentioned- with Bing Crosby and David Bowie together!

    Saw yer ducks. They having fun!


  15. Yard Sales are a great kind of fun--even when I get home with whatever I bought and say to myself: "What on earth did you think you needed this for?"

    I already own all the videos in that pile in your picture. Actually, I gave a couple of them to the library for their next sale.
    Great minds think alike or something.

    I can't accept your offer for sending the cd. My spouse would cover his ears and run screaming from the house if I wanted to play it on the stereo. He doesn't like Bing AT. All. something to do with visiting his grandparents when he was a boy.

    The first time I saw a double tree was on a school field trip to an historic village, musta been 5th grade or so. I had no idea anybody else would be interested. Is Charles going to make a display near the cow pasture or something?


  16. Hi Diane,

    :) yah, I DO like yard sale-ing , even if I DO often end up with stuff I don't need! (like that duplicate Bing cd! haha-but at 12 & I/2 cents I won't worry about it!

    About that doubletree...Charles plans to display it on our back porch wall!

    I haven't yet watched any of those movies we bought . I need to do that- maybe later today I will.

