Junie's Place: Rounding up the yellow...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Rounding up the yellow...

**Project Yellow- go here!**

...Rounding up and winding down the yellow...

OK-OK- I know I'm an extremist (Fanatic?) in all I do and all I say and all I am!

You all know that, too, already... so why are you surprised that I have saturated this blog the past few days with YELLOW ? :)

I just get a little carried away and think," Well- maybe just one more picture will do it!"

I honestly had no idea how 'Huge and Serious' an issue Yellow was in my life until I started to think about it and look through my pictures and look around me!

Yellow is everywhere! (And I thought green was my color!)

There just happens to be a LOT of yellow in my life - and that's a good thing!

...However-this post will probably wind up my
multiple postings of yellow!

All good things must end...the question is just when and how!
We shall see.

here are some more views of my Yellow world!


I'm writing this to have for my Friday post.
( Put together Thurs. - to post late

Friday ( tomorrow) is the day for my husband to have the skin cancer surgery done and we don't know what the day might hold for us! Keep good thoughts for us, please.

Junie Rose

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At 11:55 PM , Blogger b13 said...

Junie, these are some of my favorites of your photos! That sunset (sunrise?) and the aloe plant are wonderful!

That corn looks absolutely sweet!

And best of luck to your hubby tomorrow. Hang in there.

At 12:01 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Thanks, B13,

for your comments and your good wishes!

:) I'm happy you enjoy seeing my photos!

This Project-Yellow has been a lot of fun!

BTW- It's a Sunset- I am not often up early enough for a sunrise.


At 12:36 AM , Blogger Carletta said...

All of your yellow photos are wonderful. I was tickled to see the corn with your corn holders today!
All my best wishes and prayers for your hubby that all things will go well!

At 12:59 PM , Blogger Anna said...

I love the one with the butterfly! It looks so delicate.

At 1:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Anna,

Thanks for checking out my Yellow pictures! :)

I've had fun with all this!

Junie Rose

At 1:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah...sweet sunset.

Perhaps the one I must adore is the corn. Yep, the corn. One of my favorite things on the planet to eat, and strangely now I'm craving it.

Do I bless or curse you?

Fun series, every last one!


At 2:57 PM , Blogger Jean said...

Love the yellow sky picture!! Breath taking! Also like the flowers and butterfly.

At 4:31 PM , Blogger Anna said...

You have had some great images on yellow here and I am so glad you have had so much fun with my little project! I think I have been talked into doing it a few more days...

Make sure to keep checking in on me...I do a photo-a-day and also will be doing projects on and off!

Take care and keep on the lookout for yellow...I have found it lifts my spirit!

At 4:40 PM , Blogger ~michelle pendergrass said...

Ack! Robin took my words again! I was going to say the corn made me want to go out and get some NOW.

I'll settle for canned corn with a bit of sugar and some real butter and salt mixed in. Does fine when an Hoosier girl can't get real sweet corn. :)

At 5:01 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...


Thanks so much for visiting and looking at my YELLOW stuff!

Come again anytime!

BTW- Yep- corn is one of life's greatest pleasures! And it's beautiful to look at too!


At 5:02 PM , Blogger Beverly said...

Hi, I love all your yellow. You do have it all around you, don't you.

Hoping everything went well at the surgeon's office today.

At 5:05 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Hi Anna,

Your Project Yellow has been a lot of fun! :) I've enjoyed looking at all the yellow pics posted and also looking for yellow in my own world...LOL- In fact, I found several more things today!

Oh sure- I'll keep checking your site- I enjoy it!


At 5:16 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Thanks Beverly,

Thanks for looking

-also for your good wishes


At 5:19 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...


Thanks for looking!

Sunsets are among my favorite things to photograph and that one was very beautiful-with all the gold/yellow!


At 5:24 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...


Thanks for looking and am happy you like the sunset-and the corn! :)

BTW- We DO have very good sweet corn grown here in Florida! I love it when it's available in the fruit/Veggie stands!


At 6:37 PM , Blogger Texas Travelers said...

Great yellow post.
Best I've seen today.

Best of luck to hubby.
I had this done 4 months ago. Everything turned out well.

Mines up. come visit.

At 7:28 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Thanks, TT,

I'll be over to see your yellow post real soon!


The procedure went ok... just keeping our fingers crossed that the next report will be a good one...

Thanks so much for your visit - and I hope you'll come again.


At 7:03 AM , Blogger Shelley said...

wow!! you photos are absolutely beautiful. They should be in a book. What an eye you have!! Have a great weekend, Junie!

At 11:32 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

:) WOW! Thanks for your nice comments.

Coming from you I take that as a great compliment- because I have seen a lot of your photos! :)

I commented to a friend the other night that if I only knew anything about cameras I could become good with my photos! lol...He found that funny- pointing out the absurdity of what I said. (adding -DUH!!) But it's true! :) I DO think I have an eye for what I want to capture in a photo.....but I don't understand cameras!

:) I need some classes!

Hope you're having a good weekend!



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