Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Yes!! Back-and here's my update

Well- finally I am back online! After posting yesterday, my DSL again went out - and it was just after we had canceled the appointment to have the guy out.

SO we had to make another plan for today ! They came and fixed us up with a new modem a couple hours ago! The problem was just as I suspected - with the modem and - and
apparently, it was caused by a power surge! The guy said that's a common occurrence in this area!

You KNOW I'm happy to be back online-Right?

Last night I watched one of the movies my son got me for my birthday... Johnny Depp in the horror flick called 'From Hell.' OK- Maybe not such a great movie (unless you really like these kind, as I do!) but that guy is sure easy on the eyes! :) I know a lot of ladies who agree with that!

I was glad I at least could watch things here at my computer! I like the close up viewing, rather than TV viewing!

I know the preference for the close up viewing has to do with my poor eye sight! I seldom watch anything on TV any more because I can get more out of it with viewing the computer screen.

I guess I will go ahead and get new glasses next week, even if I decide to do the surgery a little later! I'm not quite ready for that right now!


This is the weekend we've planned to go to Cedar Key again. Tina and Alli, Tam, Terry and Zach have arranged to go, also! I'm looking forward to it because C. and I enjoyed our recent trip over there very much! I hope the 'young folks' won't find it boring! We'll see! :) We'll all be there from Friday until Late Sunday!


I need to get caught up with all your blogs and will give it a try as soon as I can!



  1. It's TERRIBLE when you don't have internet service. lol. Glad you got it fixed.
    I've never tried watching a movie on the computer. Maybe I should.

  2. Happy you got it fixed!! And Johnny Depp??? Ahhhhhh...he's just down-right Pretty!!LOL....Happy night surfing the web sweetie!!hughugs

  3. I've been to Cedar Key a few times. It's about 3 hours from here but well worth the trip.

  4. Hi Junie,
    So glad your computer issues are resolved. I'm playing catch up here (more things to do than hours in the day LOL)
    Hope you have a fun trip!!

  5. Oh, I do hope you guys will have a great weekend!! Enjoy!!

  6. Thanks for visiting me again, all you folks above.


  7. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Enjoy your trip and come back safe.
