Poem: Our Thanksgiving

(Click on poem to enlarge)
This was our turkey last Thanksgiving!
Labels: holidays, poem, Thanksgiving, Turkey
Welcome to Junie's place. Here will be things dear to my heart...thoughts and feelings about family, friends, nature, my crafts, my animals, my poems, favorite music, MY PAST and daily happenings. Hope you enjoy visiting with me! ~~Comments Always Welcome~~ ~It's the only way I'll know you've visited!
Labels: holidays, poem, Thanksgiving, Turkey
Hi June ~ Great poem and huge turkey. It
will be hard to top that one. I hope you all have a wonderful time. Thanks for your comments, the Murphy thing was good. But I am so disheartened by the way all my typing in color gets altered
that I am thinking of havind a break.
Take care, Love, Merle.
Hi Merle,
Thanks! Glad you like the poem!
As for the turkey-yes, that one turned out very nice. I always cook a big one, sometimes as much as 25 lbs. The one this time is 19 lbs. I have cooked at least 2 turkeys most of the 45 years we've been married, so I finally got it down pretty good! ( I only remember 3 times in all these years that we didn't have both holiday meals at home-and we have ALWAYS had turkey! ;)
Yes, I've picked up on some of the other blogs that you have been having problems with your posts. Is it this new Beta Blogger? (or whatever it's called) I have been reluctant to switch over...besides I like this simpler version ok. I don't have any trouble with my pictures or poems. I usually do my poems in word program and then scan them. That way they go on as a photo and I can center them. I think poems look better that way. Of course (unless it's a tiny poem) it has to be clicked on to make it bigger so it can be easily read.
I hope you won't give up blogging , Merle! This is something you enjoy-and we all love visiting your site! Can't you ask Peter to help you figure this problem out? Hope so.
hugs to you!
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