Tiger and Charlie!

I also got some pics of Charles in his new robe! I think he looks quite cuddley in it! ;)
Tiger likes it too!

Welcome to Junie's place. Here will be things dear to my heart...thoughts and feelings about family, friends, nature, my crafts, my animals, my poems, favorite music, MY PAST and daily happenings. Hope you enjoy visiting with me! ~~Comments Always Welcome~~ ~It's the only way I'll know you've visited!
Hi June ~~ I hope you are feeling better
by now and your back is better. Thank
goodness for Charles for doing the cooking when you could not. His new robe looks very nice and all your decorations and presents look wonderful. Also all the family photos, sorry I missed Alli's
birthday and I hope it was wonderful for her.
Thanks for your comments and Welcome Home. I had a lovely time with Kathy and her family, but it is always nice to get home. I would like to wish you and Charles and your family a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2007.
Thank you for your friendship over the
last year. Take care, dear friend, Love, Merle.
Dear Merle,
Thanks for such a sweet post.
We wish you the very best in the new year,too.
I am still not feeling great but just normal ailments, I suppose- so I'll get by.
I know it was good to get back home (for you)- I'm always that way about home...no matter where I go or what we do, it's always good to return home.
Take care and enjoy your day.
Charlie sure does look cuddley...and I think Tiger thinks so too. Happy New Year Junie.
Hi Joy,
:) Yes! He IS cuddley. Tiger knows better than anyone! haha
Happy New Year !
Tiger looks so comfy cuddled up with Charlie. Very cute pic!!
Thanks Susie.
Charlie & Tiger look well suited for each other.
Your hubby looks rather dashing in his new robe.
My daughter and I both got fluffy robes from my mom for Christmas. I am wearing mine right now. :)
Robes are such nice gifts for Christmas, I think!
Charlie got me THE softest robe I have ever had!
hmmm...think I will go get my shower and get into my nightie and robe -right now!
oh yah! Tiger definitely prefers Charlie to anyone else!!
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