Junie's Place: A Happy Birthday

Sunday, May 06, 2007

A Happy Birthday

Here I am at the end of a very happy birthday... I'm tired and should be winding down for sleep and I will be soon!

Just want to share a little with you- my blogging friends!

Thanks so much for all the Happy Birthday wishes I got from you all!
It added a lot to my day!

This is the card I got from Alli, my granddaughter! I consider this the highest compliment!

:) Thanks, Alli!


Breakfast out with my sis and BIL, Charles and me.

Dinner out at Red Lobster- Tina, Brian, Alli, Charles and me!

Cake and Ice Cream at our house after dinner- Sis and BIL, Tina, Alli, Chris, Charles and me!


Some pics of my day!

And my goodies!



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At 4:13 AM , Blogger Granny said...

I have you beat by 3 years but who's counting.

Belated Happy Birthday.

At 7:30 AM , Blogger wazza said...

Gidday Junie,
Happy birthday for the 5th.
I knew that photo of the lady with the long hair wasn't you. She looked too young, oops I mean too old.
What a great card from your grand daughter.

At 7:54 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Hi Wazza,

:) Thanks for your greeting!

Had a good birthday- and I thought that card from Alli was just the greatest!

...I guess I confused folks with the picture of that 'other lady' with the long white hair! ;)

At 8:13 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Thanks, Ann,

Yah- I don't worry about those 'high numbers' we're reaching...just try to enjoy each day I am given!


At 9:04 AM , Blogger Carole Burant said...

Oh Junie, what a wonderful birthday you had...almost makes it worth getting older doesn't it! lol There's nothing better than to be able to celebrate such a special day with loved ones. Loved seeing all the pictures...I see you did get your roses! hehe Beautiful! xox

At 10:24 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Hi Pea,

Yes, I had a good day with some of the family.

Got several new rose bushes and some other neat stuff!


At 1:14 PM , Blogger Jamie Dawn said...

I'm so glad you had a happy b-day!!
Ali thinks you're pretty cool. Ain't that great?!!

The food looks so good.
I'm hungry for lunch right now, so that food is really making my mouth water.

I wish you many more wonderful and healthy years!!

At 1:43 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Thanks, JD,

Had a very nice day-and got some cool things, too!

;) yah- kinda nice that Alli thinks I'm not the usual kind of grand-ma! But -how could I be anyway!
I have always been a "Ginga!'


At 11:26 PM , Blogger Janet said...

Happy Birthday!! It looks as if you had a great day filled with fun and family and lots of love and good food. Oh and goodies, too!

At 12:40 AM , Blogger Susie said...

What a fun day you had! Your smile just lights up all the pictures!!

At 12:51 AM , Blogger TO BECOME said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! This looks like one to remember. I am glad you had such a good day. I wish you many more. connie from Texas

At 9:58 AM , Blogger Skye said...

I'm really glad you had a great birthday, Junie!! :)

At 11:25 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

AHHH! Thanks to all of you for the good wishes for my birthday...It means a lot to me! Makes me happy reading all these nice messages!





I had a special birthday.

(have been having trouble with comments but will visit all of you soon.




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