Junie's Place: My World Today-05-11-07

Saturday, May 12, 2007

My World Today-05-11-07

Well, here it is actually tomorrow already...so , instead of May 11th. it is the 12th.
And here am I -still up when I should be sleeping!

First off-let me say I did sleep better last night after taking a whole 5 mg Melatonin...and expect I will, also, tonight when I get through and get to bed!

We continued with our yard work today...I didn't do a lot but Charlie did.

Some pics of our flowers:

I got the Caladiums planted in Mom's garden. The owl you see is something one of her grandsons gave her many years ago, and she treasured it. It belongs in her garden!

The close-up roses are some still not planted. The pink one is 'Queen Elizabeth', one of my favorites! The yellow one is new to me-can't even recall it's name at the moment. It's very pretty!

...And -notice how my roses are blooming already-in spite of the lack of attention I have shown them the past few months! :) Next week we will have all the new bushes planted and I plan to fertilize all of them again! Can't wait to get them back in top form again! LOL-and to feel I deserve to go by the name of 'Junie Rose!'

The sunflowers are still blooming around the bird feeder! I just love seeing them-and tho it makes my garden look untidy, having them pop up where ever they choose, I don't mind! I love their bright, sun-shiny faces!

...and -one shot of the herb garden- tho there's little to see as yet! They will get going -I 'm sure of that!


Tonight we learned that we will have to have our celebration tomorrow instead of Sunday as the kids in Orlando couldn't make it on Sunday...so I had to alter my plans just a bit! That's one reason I am up this late. I did some cooking tonight so as not to have so much to do tomorrow! It will work out!


K- I'm off to catch me some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's
however I can manage it!


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At 7:59 AM , Blogger Carolyn said...

Junie, your world is such beautiful color! You've worked hard here and it shows. I love looking at your garden photos so much! Happy Mothers Day to you :)

At 9:31 AM , Blogger Skye said...

I love sunflowers too, Junie! I admit I used to let them grow up around my bird feeder at our old house, just because I like them so much! I won't be growing them any more, though, as Scott has a strange and totally irrational fear of sunflowers!!!!

Looks like you've done some really good work in your garden... well done! :)

At 9:37 AM , Blogger Jeanette said...

Hi Junie your flowers are lovely I think i will go get a book and sit among your flowers,

At 9:45 AM , Blogger Carole Burant said...

Oh Junie, your flowers are all looking so beautiful! We don't get sunflowers here until August, they are considered Autumn flowers for us...we get them all over in the flower garden thanks to Mr. Chippie! lol I also enjoyed your previous post about a Mom's Job Description...so true! lol Have a wonderful weekend my friend and Happy Mother's Day! xoxo

At 10:12 AM , Blogger Granny said...

Happy Mothers Day.

Enjoy your Saturday. It's good to be flexible about these things.

At 10:24 AM , Blogger someone else said...

I really love your roses. I'm looking forward to planting some at this house.

At 1:43 PM , Blogger Hootin Anni said...

Yes....the owl is so worthy of the garden. You really did a beautiful job of telling us why....it's perfect.

[I love the sunshiness of sunflowers too!!]

At 8:33 PM , Blogger Susie said...

Your flowers are looking lovely! I'm sure your Mom is smiling down at their beauty.
Enjoy your Mother's Day celebration.

At 10:34 PM , Blogger Peter said...

We, in this other hemisphere are going to get very jealous of your spring/summer gardens as we cope with fall/winter here, but at least our winter isn't as severe as lots of the US/Canadian ones.

At 5:27 AM , Blogger Merle said...

Hi June ~~ Lovely photos and glad you got some lovely gifts. Especially the
music box that Charles gave you.
The Old Country Roses are so beautiful. I hope you had a great Mother's Day when you all got together. Thank you for the comments
and I am glad you liked my post for Mother's Day. Take care, my friend,
Love, Merle.

At 4:40 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Thanks, all my blogger friends, for visiting and leaving comments!

Peter, Merle, Susie, Jeanette,Anni, MG, Pea,Granny Ann, Skye, Carolyn!
I'm so happy you all enjoy my flowers!




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