Junie's Place: Doing the garden thing!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Doing the garden thing!

Hey folks,

Charles is working on preparing my spot for my herb garden! After reading the info on each little plant card I realize I need more space to allow them to do well! But, actually, I know they will do just fine closer together too, as that's the way I had them before. I have a total of 14 to plant! And I have to have space for my little statues and rocks -etc-too! It's going to be really cool!! :)


Well, that new sleep aid ( Melatonin ) didn't work so well. I cut it in half because I was told by a couple people 5 mg might be too strong! Tonight I will take the whole pill and hope it will work better!

Lol- I think last night my problem was over-stimulation - so I had trouble relaxing when I finally did go to bed! I was viewing music videos, late into the night! I watched a lot of 'Prog Rock' (YES AND ELP)...then I got into some Ringo Starr's All Star concerts! One that I really enjoyed featured (the late-and great) John Entwistle, of the WHO, as his guest! This is the song he did- 'Boris the Spider,' with help from Ringo and others! This is such a fun song! I LOVE it! Take a look!

I ended my late night music with the wonderful~ George Harrison!


Speaking of spiders...one bit me on my upper right arm while I was sleeping , a few nights ago! I know this is a spider bite because I have had them before! It got to be more than 3/4 inches wide and itched like crazy!! It's much better now!

These spiders are sneaky and you seldom see them in the light of day.
Being a late night person I DO see them and will capture them in a wet paper towel and put them outside, if possible! If they are on the ceiling and I can't reach them I will spray them and watch the dead body fall! Sorry! :( Sometimes I have to do that!

Well, all I can say is I wish I had got this one before he got ME!

(The big area at the bottom of the photo is a shadow!)

Once last year, when I started to go to bed, there was a BIG spider on my bedside lamp!

No wonder I have trouble sleeping!!



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At 1:40 PM , Blogger Tammy said...

I think it takes a little while for the melatonin to build up in your system...that it won't work right away...that's the way with most herbs and suppliments anyway!
I hope you get a better nights sleep and your spidy bite heals quickly!

At 4:16 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...


yer probably right about the Melatonin. I'll take it for awhile and see how it goes,

The spidy bite is almost well now. This was a few nights ago!

Boy, am I tired! Did a lot of garden stuff today!


At 12:33 AM , Blogger mreddie said...

Don't care for the inside spiders at all and they don't live very long - they need to be outside, eating the bad bugs. We have been out of town a few days and now have to catch up my gardening also. ec

At 8:40 AM , Blogger Carole Burant said...

It's a lot of work planting gardens but so much fun too:-) Oh dear, a spider bite...UGH! I'm petrified of spiders but have never been bit by one...I think I'd freak if one ever did! lol Hope you can sleep better tonight my friend! xox

At 9:52 AM , Blogger Jeanette said...

Oh, Junie. I wouldn't be able to sleep if i had a spider in the bedroom or any room, i would have to get it before it got me, and always wear gloves in the garden as we get redbacks outside and very poisonous. Take care hope you dont get bitten again.

At 10:09 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Hi EC,

The thing with these spiders, regular spraying does not seem to get them . It has to be a direct hit on them! (I guess because they find places up high to hide!) Oh, I'm on the look-out for them now-and am going after them more aggressively!

I did a lot of gardening yesterday...got my little herb garden planted! Will make pictures when it gets going a little.

Take care,


At 10:15 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...


and Jeanette.

Yes- I'm more aware of the spiders now and am waging war on them!!

The thing is with these spider bites (in my experience,anyway) you don't even realize when it happens...but later an itchy bump appears.

Have a happy day!


At 10:20 PM , Blogger Susie said...

Thankfully, I usually don't have trouble sleeping, but I hope the Melatonin starts working for you.
That spider bite looks quite uncomfortable. I would not want one of those in a room where we're sleeping!!


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