Junie's Place: Award day! ( AND~ MUSIC update!! )

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Award day! ( AND~ MUSIC update!! )

Pea of 'Pea's Corner' picked me for this award! Go here to read about this award!

Thanks, Pea! It's an honor!

I can't decide who to pick as I enjoy all the blogs I read for sooo many different reasons!

( You're all my favorites!)


...Catch you later...have to go shopping now!



OK- Here it is much later- in fact-at the end of the day, almost! It's 6:12 Pm.

I had a long shopping day and got caught in a down pour as I was leaving the store!
Finally, just braved it and waded through water, ankle deep in places, to get to my car and get on home!

I was wanting to get into my music CDs that I bought! :)

Here are the CDs I bought today! :)

(click to enlarge)


These are my 2 favorite bands right now!
(well- I mean of the ones I am just now discovering!)

I plan to be doing some good music listening tonight!
...Am already into 'Dire Straits!'

Junie Rose

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At 11:58 PM , Blogger Carole Burant said...

You are more than welcome for the award dear Junie:-) What a shame it was raining over there...here we had a beautiful hot and sunny day. That's the Dire Strait cassette I have...I should really get the cd! lol Enjoy your new music:-) xox

At 9:31 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Hi Pea,

After my shopping trip and getting caught in the rain- I was pretty well exhausted and didn't do anything the rest of the day except listen to my music and play around with my computer!

I am really impressed with Dire Straits! And Youtube is such an entertaining thing to have available!

XOX Junie Rose

At 9:38 AM , Blogger Carolyn said...

Junie, I have always loved Dire Straits! Happy listening :)

And congrats on your award!

At 7:29 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Hi Carolyn,


Hope you're feeling well by now.



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