DJ TAY has arrived! ... (And other music stuff)
My raffle win from Jamie Dawn arrived today...or more precisely the cd from DJ Tay arrived today!
I haven't yet had a chance to get into it but hope to later tonight. Have to say it looks interesting- AND diverse! ...I just happened upon a review at another Raffle winner of this CD and he ( b13) gave a glowing review of what he received! Go read it-here!
( Oh!! but I wonder if we got the exact same thing- mine says #1) :)
Anyway, this is fun and exciting, especially for one ( ME) who is on a music quest for all the music missed along the way!
And more music matters...
Yesterday I received a cd from my friend Bonnie ( Bonnie in Reno!) of her son playing in the band he's in. He plays drums and does a good job of it! She also sent some vid clips! He's really good on those drums!!
I am constantly amazed at our kids of all the talent out there! :)
Thanks Bonnie- and thanks Jamie Dawn- for helping me along with my music! :)
Well~ one more music mention- then I'll be through! Last night I had a long Chat/listen of Alice Cooper! A lot of Youtube vids were found and viewed - LOL- It was fun!
I understand this guy still puts on quite a show...after some 30 + years... just over the top- outrageous fun! Lol- I like to watch the videos and the music is very good!

This is a photo I found on the web -
Alice Cooper~ from a show late last year, I think!
I posted it before...but here he is again!
(In all his glory!! haha)
Have a good night!
There were three different CDs :) You got the front end and I received the rear :D
Gotta love Alice! He made outrage fun!
Hi Kay,
That's exactly how I see Alice Cooper! It's all just fun!!
(Did you know in HIS 'REAL Life' he is very conservative?)
ok- haven't had a chance to do a good listen yet-
Hooray!!! You got the CD!!!!
Alice Cooper is quite a fright, but the guy is still out there doing his thang.
I read b13's review of the CD. FUN stuff!!
Enjoy your weekend.
Oh, I'm making cornbread because I have been craving it ever since I saw Charles's cornbread.
Hi JD,
:) I enjoyed the DJ Tay cd... my granddaughter did too! She was just here with her girlfriend!
:) b13 did a good review! I read it last night!
( I'll just say I enjoyed mine and have some new bands to check out-- :) )
Enjoy the cornbread!
Congratulations on winning that cd!! I know how thrilled you must be with that one and the one your friend sent you since you love music so much:-) Oh gosh, Alice Cooper...I remember playing "School's Out For Summer" on the last day of school every year! lol Oh myyyyy, that new fruit/yogurt spread in your previous post sure looks yummy! I'll have to check if we get it over here, if not, next time I go to Niagara Falls, I'll cross the border and go shopping there:-) xox
Hi Pea,
:) Yah- I liked getting both those cds!
Always enjoy hearing new music-
Alice Cooper is just outragious fun for me! I had never seen any of the vids that can be found on Youtube! It's been fun!
Hope you can find that spread. It is real good!
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